Friday, 25 October 2019

Writing Groups - Fiona McIntosh's MasterClass National Conference 2019

I've been very lucky in my writing journey in finding groups who have been instrumental in keeping me going in writing.

One such group is Fiona McIntosh's Masterclass. I was in the Autumn 2018 class and this past week, I with over 100 delegates attended the inaugural Fiona McIntosh Masterclass National Conference (NatCon), which was open to alumni only.

I'm not going to go into detail of the weekend as Faran Silverton has done a great job blogging about  it.

Michael Robotham gives his keynote.
Fiona McIntosh opens the conference.
What I do want to say is that it was a great mix of catching up with class mates, meeting other alumni, listening to the amazing keynote of Michael Robotham, and getting industry news from publishers, booksellers (great to hear how books get on the shelves) and other authors. We had the opportunity to pitch which I took advantage of (and had a request- yay!).

The energy of the conference was amazing and a great boost. Even when the fibromyalgia was playing havoc, the enthusiasm of the room kept me going. Not surprising with Fiona McIntosh at the helm and the setting O'Leary Walker Wines in the Clare Valley giving inspiration.

There were smiling faces everywhere. I love smiling faces. Smiling faces rock. And while there was some nerves over pitching, there was also encouragement from fellow delegates keeping others grounded.

Overall, everyone had wonderful a few days.

Speaking of nerves, one thing I do have to work on (and you wouldn't know judging by this blog) is approaching publishers and published authors. Part of this is the CFS making me feel slower and part is general nerves. These days authors can't just sit behind the keyboard and not worry about making appearances. So while I'm fine (though nervous) at giving talks, it's the off the cuff stuff that has me stumbling a little.
Idyllic setting

Fiona McIntosh (middle) with successful graduates of her Masterclass,
Adam Cece and Tricia Stringer.

I was lucky enough to share a lovely cottage with my writing buddies from Adelaide who have been keeping me going by attending regular meetings since our Masterclass. Thanks Kate and Amanda.  It would have been lovely to stay longer but real life beckoned.

Cooke Cottage, Clare Valley

Would I go again? The answer is an assuredly "Hell, yeah!"

I'm looking at making realistic plans for the coming few months to keep the momentum going. While I can't go at the pace of NatCon, I can definitely kick things up a pace.

Me (L) with the lovely Mandy Mackay from Dymocks, and fellow
MasterClasser and SARA, Mercedes Whibley (R).

Thanks Fiona, Nathan, and team for a fabulous conference.

1 comment:

AJ Blythe said...

Sounds like you had a blast, Eleni. I hope it gives you a boost of inspiration with your writing.

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