Sunday, 5 December 2010

'Face to Face' short story

Finally, I have placed another short story onto my website.

Face to Face was published initially in the Ghost Stories edition of Shortz magazine in 1999.

The story had been written two computers ago, and I didn't have an electronic copy of the final version. Thank goodness for scanning. I had to scan from the paper published version of the magazine.

You can find Face to Face in the Short Stories page of my website, or by clicking here (opens pdf document).

I hope you enjoy this old tale of mine.

Also the direct link to The Bucket on the Antipodean site has changed. It is now in the Archives (archived by Pandora, National Library of Australia).



Christina Phillips said...

Ooh Eleni, I have shivers running up and down my arms from reading "Face to Face"! Love those kind of stories :-)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Glad you enjoyed it Christina! :)

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