Saturday, 4 December 2010

This Week & Saturday Funny

My goodness it's December - already. Where has this year flown?

I have achieved a lot so far and soon these achievements will be on the Bootcamper blog. I'll let you know when they are up to view :)

So as predicted this week was busy. It's the silly season, need I say more?

Writing wise, I managed to total 8900 words for NaNoWriMo. I never joined the official site and wasn't aiming for 50K but rather 25K, but with the first 20 days of November with virtually no writing, I'm happy with what I did achieve. There was a lot of scribbling by hand in waiting rooms during the last 10 days.

So this week, I worked on the Shadow novella. Going well. My first drafts are really a skeleton draft - basically, plotters plot, I write and then fix up the story. It may be a long process this way as I don't search for the perfect word and just write, so there are lots of edits later.

No work on the Gateway novella or clown story. That's OK. Just as long as I've written I'm happy. *grin*

As to writing related activities - the HT project is going well, and I've cut some subscriptions to some blogs. Time is an issue, which is why at this stage I haven't gone on Facebook. I just can't keep up with that. And I'm trying to streamline everything, and cutting back on activities. While I wish I didn't have to, I need to to keep writing and my health at the forefront.

So that is me this week. How are you all doing?

And here's the Old Spice Guy that was mentioned in the comments not long ago when talking about funny ads. I just laugh every time I see it.

YouTube link



Vanessa Barneveld said...

Congrats on your NaNo total, Eleni! I hear you on scaling back on activities. Writing is your bread and butter, and you have to look after yourself first.

Before NaNo, I used to check Facebook every few hours. Soooo tragic! During NaNo, I looked at it once a week for five minutes. Post NaNo, I have to remind myself I have an account!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks Vanessa, you NaNo champ you. LOL - see folks you can wean yourself off Facebook :))

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