Sunday, 14 November 2010

Prepping & Some Good News....

I'm finally using PowerPoint for my Blogging presentation and I'm learning these nifty ways to have your text and images animate on the screen.

It's been pretty time consuming getting my presentation notes in a logical sequence, and now I'm making sure everything makes sense and works. Next will be the run through for time....fingers crossed.

I haven't done much else this week other than some blog work, and a bit on my Hearts Talk project.
No writing :(( Still I think I needed a break after my competition entries.

Some good news 

Ny flash fantasy story, Mirror, Mirror, has been accepted by MindFlights - an online magazine. I haven't any details yet, but am happy to have another short accepted.

Also, The Bucket will appear on a podcast on Beam Me Up in the future. I will get you more details. What a thrill it was to hear someone likes my story enough that they want to read it out on their show.



Mel Teshco said...

Congrats Eleni!!!!
What is Mirror Mirror about!??
And brilliant that The Bucket is going places (I even love the name!)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Hey Mel, thanks for the congrats. Mirror, Mirror is about Snow White talking to the mirror :) I had done it in a fable style.

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Congrats Eleni,

I can't keep up with you. :) It's terrific.

Love the title, and Snow white talking to the mirror. Hmm, sounds intriguing. :)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks Suzanne. Mirror, Mirror is only about 700 words. I'll let everyone know when it goes online. :)

Nicky Strickland said...

Yay Eleni! You're flashing everywhere over the intermewebs (as Homer would say).


Though I shudder re powerpoint :)

Eleni Konstantine said...

LOL - a fellow Homer fan! Yes, indeed I've become a flasher. :)))

Thanks Nicky. And PowerPoint not so bad...well my head is spinning but that is more that I have so many slides. :D

Christina Phillips said...

Yay congrats on the publication of Mirror, Mirror, Eleni! That's wonderful news. Love twists on Fairy Tales!!!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks Christina! Twists are always good :)

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