1 in 3 Australian women will be assaulted or abused (physically or sexually) in her lifetime. 1 in 3!!! And to think we are meant to be in the 21st Century.
Excerpt from their Australian website:
The campaign calls for men across Australia to speak out and take an oath. An oath swearing never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women. The campaign culminates on White Ribbon Day (25 November) each year, when men and women across Australia are called to wear a white ribbon or wristband as a visual symbol of their commitment and oath.The Oath page is at the MyOath site. Check out the info while you are there.
In swearing and wearing a white ribbon, men and boys can act as positive role models and advocates for change by challenging behaviours and attitudes that have allowed of violence against women to occur.
YouTube Link
White Ribbon Day started in Canada by men in 1991 on the second anniversary of one's man massacre of 14 women in Montreal. They wanted to speak out against violence against women.
It's unfortunate we need such an awareness day, but thank goodness people are speaking out.
Stay safe.
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