This week's topic covers the Romance Writers of Australia national conference which is held every year in August, and also the writing community at large.
Today I'm over at the Bootcampers 101 blog. This is the group of ladies that in November 2007 (wow - nearly two years ago) undertook the Romance Writers of Australia's first Bootcamp. It helped change the course of my writing - for the better. So head on over to the blog for your chance to win a Writer's Pack plus extras.
Bootcamper comments now closed.
Commenter Enisa Hasic winner.
Tomorrow I will be talking about my experience at the RWAus conference. And there will be a Writer's pack up for grabs also.
Later this week I have the two Annas here on Eleni's Taverna.
On the 7th, my guest will be Regency Romance author, Anna Campbell who will talking about the RWAus conference. She has a copy of Tempt the Devil as a giveaway.

On the 10th, my guest will be Nocturne Bites author, Anna Hackett who will be talking about writing for Nocturne Bites and the return to the Australian writing community after years abroad. She has a e-copy of Taken by the South Wind as giveaway.
I was lucky enough to meet up with both of these RWAus members at the recent conference. So I hope you will pop in and make them feel welcome.
Also on the 8th, my critique partner, Fiona Gregory will be my special guest. There will be a mini-pack giveaway.
Don't forget the website competitions that are running for the whole month - your chance to win a copy of Heart & Craft (featuring a SARA member) and a copy of Night's Cold Kiss. Details are on the Eleni-fest page.You can enter more than once!!
Other news:
My blog has moved up 39 spots to no. 69 on Jonathan Crossfield's Top 50 Blogs (so I'm a runner up)! There are many familiar names on the list including a no. 90 spot for Bootcampers 101.
Hi Eleni :)
Thanks for the update post!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
All the best,
Thanks RK. Don't forget to comment during the win for your chance to win one of the prizes.
Hey Eleni, I'm just about to head over to the bootcamp 101's. Congratulations on the massive jump in spots on Jonathon's list.
Thanks Fi. It's cool isn't it. And see you on the 8th!
Congrats on the big jump in your blog numbers! Keep up the great work!
Thanks Joder. I'll try to! :))
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