Romance Writers of Australia’s national conference – Hot August Nights - was held in Brisbane in August this year.

And the conference didn’t disappoint. What I loved was the hub of people who all love the same thing – writing (romance or stories with romantic elements), who understood what you were talking about, and who don’t think you are crazy because you hear voices in your head! At this point, other people would be slowly backing away....
It was a whirlwind from the moment I got to the Adelaide Airport on the Thursday (meeting up with fellow SARA members), flying and waiting at Brisbane airport to meet in person a few of my Bootcamper buddies who were arriving not long after - Nikki Logan, Alison Leake & Melissa James. It was so wonderful to be able to talk to my virtual friends and not only know what they look like but what they sound like.
And I gave them some memories they can hold onto – my lack of being able to run for the Air Train, my crashing the trolley, my getting stuck outside the train…oh yes ladies and gentlemen, I am what you call a walking disaster zone. But it was a laugh and it’s a great memory to have.
After a mad dash to the hotel and then after some comedy of errors (I had a shower door incident – this one wasn’t my fault - honest), I made it to the book launch of Heart & Craft, though Greek style I arrived late. Valerie Parv was at the podium talking about the book and how it came about. I loved the idea of having romance writers talk about their experiences with the craft of writing romance since I heard about it from SARA member Elizabeth Rolls (contributor to this book). And I was in awe of how calm everyone looked and how they conducted themselves. True professionalism folks. It really was fantastic.
I thanked my foresight for reserving my copies because they were flying out the door and had the books signed (remember for your chance to win a copy, go to my website for details – shameless plug).
At the book signing I met up with a group of 109 Bootcampers including fellow web team mates Monique Wood and Anita Joy. To say I was still whirling from getting to the book launch is an understatement. We managed to get a cab to go the e-list dinner, organised by our wonderful e-list mum, Tina M Clark. And there for the first time I met Bootcampers Annie Newton and my fab CP, Fiona Gregory! (Fi is going to be a guest on Thursday the 8th).
It was wonderful to talk to Bootcampers and other e-listers and enjoy a lovely meal. And there were bubbles – yay, bring out the kid in me – thanks to Tina. We had a nice walk back to the hotel yakking away. Brisbane is hilly and luckily it was downhill. I remember passing a fire station but could not see any firemen around. The group behind us did actually meet the firemen. There's a photo on Monique's blog to prove it.
As you can see it had been a long day and we hadn’t gotten to the ‘official’ stuff yet.
On Friday morning, I met up with Team Hearts Talk members for breakfast. Again it was great putting faces and names to the people behind the emails. I want to thank our fearless and incredible leader (& Bootcamp buddy) Rachel Bailey for presenting us with our ‘RWAus volunteer’ badges. It was lovely.
And then there were the conference co-registrars, Louise Ousby and Lisa Barry. These ladies were fantastic and had been wonderful to deal with correspondence before the conference. In fact every, volunteer and helper were just great. Thank you to the conference committee team!!
Friday was the day-long optional workshop called The Noble Art of Storytelling with the wonderful duo – Anne Gracie and Mary Jo Putney. There were so many fantastic nuggets of useful information. We studied the movie ‘While You Were Sleeping’, worked on our own stories, and listened to the wisdom of these two wonderful authors. And in between there was morning and afternoon teas and lunch. Oh people preparing our meals – yay!
Nuggets of info from workshop:
- Heroism is sacrifice not just survival.
- Play the opposites in a character – the light and dark traits.
- Every word, every paragraph moves the story forward.
- Conflict arises out of character’s choices and dilemmas and fears and actions.
- Place character in a crisis or situation that will test their principles or forces a choice that goes against their self interest.
- Find your hero’s vulnerabilities and then stomp on it via plot.
- Can use archetypes and mix it up e.g. the Warrior Poet, Warrior Priestess.
- Heroine has to connect with reader – have empathy and respect her (we have the inner Mother-in-Law that wants a heroine worthy of hero).
- Show heroine with a small piece of everyday courage – because readers can engage or disengage from the start.
- And much more...
It was also great meeting up with Bootcampers Tracey Turner, Jacqueline Wilson & Moya Pennell.
On Friday night, there was the Arabian Nights themed cocktail party sponsored by Harlequin Australia. How thrilling to mingle and talk to people, though I don’t think I made it past the middle of the room until right at the end. My favourite costume was Paula -ala Hussein- Roe, but really there where some wonderful looking costumes and everyone looked fantastic.

These are a few of my photos from the cocktail party. I have started to put some on my site but am not as organised as I would like to be, though I have been organised for SARA and Bootcampers 101.
So that was the first couple of days of my RWAus conference experience! And that was the optional part.
Tired yet? I know I was but I was also hyped up to be there so sleep was abit of a problem. As well as having nerves about pitching, though as soon as I thought of it as a job chat, I felt a little better .
Come back tomorrow for more of my experience at the conference.
I am also giving away a Writer’s Pack with some extras. For your chance to win, make a comment re the topic below on any of the posts from today, tomorrow or Friday. You have until the end of 11th October to enter.
Topic comments for Writer's Pack now CLOSED.
Congratulations to commenter Toula.
What was the best part of the conference for you? This includes the Clayton’s conference.
If you didn’t go this year’s conference, comment about a time you did go (again can include the Clayton’s Conference).
If you haven’t been to a conference (either in person or online, what keeps you away)?
If you are not a writer, what do you think the best thing about being a writer would be?
If you are not a writer, what do you think the best thing about being a writer would be?
Update on Eleni-fest
I've added a few hints on the H&C competition question form. Here are a two of images I used in my banner...will post more during the month. You can check stock photos on this page but one is missing.
I've added a few hints on the H&C competition question form. Here are a two of images I used in my banner...will post more during the month. You can check stock photos on this page but one is missing.
Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Unfortunately I haven't ever gone to a conference. I'm a quadraplegic and I've never been able to afford the cost of me and an attendant going. Maybe I'll win the lottery one day and be able to go.
Hi Eleni --
You're bringing back lots of good memories! Ooh, and there's a photo of me, Alison and Melissa at the Arabian Nights party I haven't seen before! I've stolen a copy of it.
Joder, sounds like you need to look into some of the grants Eleni mentioned in her previous post.
Joder - yes I did have a lot of fun. Good old adrenaline keeping me going. Oh and winning the lotto, isn't that everyone's wish :) No need to go searching for grants then.
It's unfortunate you haven't been able to go to a conference. I would have suggested what Anna did about pursuing grants, but from a previous post comment, it sounds like you have investigated this. Still keep an eye out because there's always new grants and support programs. I didn't know about the RLADT until my case managers helped me find it. Maybe there is a grant in your area that is the same - for writer's with disabilities. If not, maybe you can point them to the RLADT for a suggestion they undertake the same.
In the meantime, while not exactly the same, there are always online conferences. The RWAus Clayton's conference has been going for a number of years now and I've been able to make 3 of them in the years I couldn't afford to go to the conference. They were fantastic!! If you do attend one, let me know how it goes.
And also doing things like Bootcamp (which is an online course of 2 days spread over two weekends) - which really helped improve my writing.
I hope these different options help you connect with other writers more. Good luck.
Hey Anna,
They are good memories aren't they and yes that is a photo of you three at the cocktail party. I haven't been able to get organised with my photos and letting people know. And no it's not stealing - I was going to let you know anyway ;))
I've started uploading up on my site, so have a look there too, though still have a ways to go :))
This is shaping up to be a great and very busy month for you Eleni =)
and Joder - I so hope you can attend a conference in the near future, they're fantastic!
Oh yes indeed Mel - definitely busy and with such a line up, definitely great!
Hi Eleni,
What a great time you had! Must admit, I'm a little jealous.
I stayed at home this year (sad face) but I did the Clayton's conference, which was a blast (happy face).
We made up covers for books, did writing challenges and had the best awards night, where we all dressed up in our jammies and waited for the results to come through on Twitter.
Hi Sue,
I did have a fun time - sorry :) But hopefully you can share in the fun though vicariously. And hopefully next year, you can make it.
So glad you did the Clatyon's. I've loved doing them and so glad you had a blast. With Sandie, Diane and RC at the helm, it would be anything but boring. Love the book covers idea - what fun. And Awards night in your PJs - what could be more fun!!
And yes between Kiki and Nikki - Twitter were getting the results through. I was sitting near Nikki as she was Twittering away for the folks at home.
Sandie, Diane and RC are legends. They made everything run smoothly and we had such fun.
So, not so bad to stay at home, if you do Claytons. *But* I do want to be there for the Sydney conference.
Oh yes, Sue - loved the Claytons but it was fantastic to see people face to face. Let's hope we can meet up in Sydney. Am sending the positive vibes out there ;))
hi helz
i'm not a writer as you know, but i am an avid reader especially fantasy. as a reader i would like to say that the best part of reading is being immersed in the world of the author that is as removed from my world as its possible to be. so on behalf of all readers thank you for the escapism and never stop writing.
Great to see you here Toula (& yes folks I'm known as Helz to some). I love entering other worlds and being immersed into the writer's worlds. And as a writer as well, where would we be without readers? And thanks on behalf of all writers :)
Toula congratulations - my online random name picker picked your name. I will contact you re the prize.
Thank you everyone for commenting.
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