Thursday, 1 October 2009

Eleni-fest is a GO!!!

Eleni-fest - what is it?

As part of my application to Arts SA for a grant (the Richard Llewellyn Arts & Disability Trust) to attend to the Romance Writers of Australia's national conference, I included undertaking some promotion work after the conference. 

This is to promote:

·      Arts SA
·      the Richard Llewellyn Arts & Disability Trust
·      grants
·      Romance Writers of Australia
·      Romance and fantasy genres
·      People with disabilities - in my case, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
·      Writing community spirit.
·      Give back to the writing community by disseminating information.
·      South Australia

    Even though I knew I wanted to promote these aspects online, I only got organised in September for Eleni-fest (well I thought October…Oktoberfest… oh Eleni-fest!! Yes, groan but I clung to the idea *grin *)

    Basically I saw the opportunity and the responsibility of sharing my experiences with the writing community and the broader community also. In this day and age, what better way to disseminate information than online.

    I hope you can join me taking part of it. Enter the competitions on the website, comment for your chance to win some wonderful books and prizes.

    Kicking off

    To kick off, well actually I had a pre kick-off. The Spreading the Word competition has been running since late September (see blog here for details).

    So let the ‘official’ proceedings begin!!
    I would like to announce the details of the competitions on my website. The prizes are:

    • A copy of Hearts & Craft, by Valerie Parv and others (signed by Valerie Parv, Elizabeth Rolls, Alexis Fleming, Kelly Ethan and Robyn Donald from the Brisbane book launch.)

    • A copy of Night’s Cold Kiss by Tracey O’Hara

    With these items I am celebrating the romance genre, the craft of writing, the writing community, the fantasy genre, and my writing buddies.

    These two competitions will be open during the whole month of October – so during the whole of Eleni-fest.

    What to do?
    Please visit my website for details on how to enter.

    There will be some questing involved. This is a combination of being a fan of fantasy books (quests) and being an ex-librarian.  Mwahahahahaha (evil laugh).

    What, did you think it would be easy? No siree! 

    Really I want everyone to have fun with this.

    Schedule & Prizes
    (* announcing)

    1st - Blog launch
    Topic: Grants

    4th-10th - Topic:  Romance conference & writing community, (Writer's Pack)

    7th - Special guest: Anna Campbell (Her latest book 'Tempt the Devil' is up for grabs)

    10th- Special guest: Anna Hackett (Her latest Nocturne Bites, Taken by the South Wind, up for grabs)

    11th-17th - Topic: CFS  (Haigh's chocolates)

    12th- Special guest: Mel Teshco (Choice of either a copy of Stone Cold Lover or a critique of your first chapter up for grabs)

    15th - Special guest: Tracey O'Hara (Remember her debut book is a website prize & a 'wizard pen')

    18th-24th - Topic: Romance & Fantasy genres (Fantasy writing pack)

    20th - Special guest: Erica Hayes (Debut book 'Shadowfae' up for grabs)

    *23rd - Special guest: Elizabeth Rolls (Book 'Lord Braybrook's Penniless Bride ' up for grabs)*

    *24th - Special guest: Nikki Logan (e-copy of her debut novel due out in February 'Lights, Camera...Kiss the Boss' up for grabs)*

    25th-31st - Topic: SA proud  (Adelaide pack)

    26th - Special guest: Trish Morey (Copy of The Best Love Stories of 2009 up for grabs)

    * 27th - Special guest: Denise Rossetti (a copy of a title from her backlist up for grabs)*

    **Addendum - 
    13th - Anne Oliver (a copy of 'Memoirs of a Millionaire's Mistress' or a copy of one of her backlist up for grabs)

    17th - Anne Gracie (a copy of R*BY award winning 'The Stolen Princess' up for grabs)

    31st - Christina Phillips (a copy of either 'Foretaste of Forever' or 'Touch of a Demon')

    Touring other blogs

    4th - Bootcamper Spirit (Writer's Pack)

    14th - RWAus Spirit & grants (Writer's pack plus extras)

    18th - Eleni-fest (mini-pack up for grabs)

    *22nd - Eleni-fest (mini-pack up for grabs)*

    25th - SA Proud (Writer's SA pack)

    30th - Eleni-fest (mini-pack up for grabs)

    Of course I will send reminders for when our special guests are on, or when I’m visiting another blog. Thanks for joining me and thank you to my special guests and the blogs who are having me as their guests. Let’s have a fun filled month!!!

    For those that usually read my blog via email or RSS feeds (ie readers), please come along and comment on the actual blogs. 

    I now declare Eleni-fest open!! Enjoy the festivities!!



    Anna Hackett said...

    Woo hoo, Eleni. It's going to be lots of fun.

    Becca said...


    Eleni Konstantine said...

    Thanks Anna - with the line up, I'm sure it will be!

    And thanks for being the first commentator on Eleni-fest!!! As such you get a little prize of a bookmark called 'Story Teller' (apt isn't it?). Can view it here:

    Send me your contact details to:

    E x

    Eleni Konstantine said...

    Thanks Becca!!

    Bronwyn said...

    Yay!! Sounds like a fun packed month =)

    Eleni Konstantine said...

    Thanks Bronwyn!!!

    Sandie Hudson said...

    WOW Eleni, what a month you have before you. I'm looking forward to a great month on your blog and the blogs you visit.


    Eleni Konstantine said...

    Thanks Sandie and I look forward to visiting your website!!

    Christina Phillips said...

    Looking forward to the month of Eleni-Fest!!!

    Eleni Konstantine said...

    Thanks Christina!! Looking forward to visiting your blog... :)

    Sue BT said...

    Yay, Eleni-fest is here!

    Rachael Johns said...

    Eleni! This is such a fantastic idea and what an exciting line-up! Good on you for doing something so innovative!!


    The Scarf Princess said...

    Sounds like fun! Looking forward to the festivities!

    Serena said...

    Congrats on getting here, Eleni! Well done!

    Eleni Konstantine said...

    I tried to respond with my iPhone but it ate up my message. Grrr. So sorry about the delay in replying.

    Thanks Sue, Rach!, Joder and Serena for dropping in.

    LOL - Rach -moi innovative? *cough cough* Why thank you :))

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