Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Enchanted Dreams coming your way...soon...soonish...well sometime this year...

My darling blog readers, it has been way too long since I've updated this blog. There are many reasons for this. Yes, you guessed one is not having the energy to run the blog as I have in the past. However, I've been slowly chipping away at different projects both personal and professional, so my time hasn't been wasted.

First of all, if you haven't been over at the DarkSide DownUnder blog, I have been having a series of blog posts on cover design as my alterego, HelzKat Designs. The posts talk about a particular project that is for moi - Eleni - and that is a collection of short stories.

Image by Fathromi Ramdlon from Pixabay

The collection is going to be called Enchanted Dreams (yes there I go with Enchanted again. I so love that word).

It will feature both previously published and new work. I'm deciding whether to add more but this is the line up as it stands at the moment:

Previously published stories
Changes - flash
The Magician - flash
Stormy Divide
Strange Brew - flash
Angel Eyes
Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay
Minion - flash
Face to Face
Dragon’s Quest - flash
The Bucket - flash
Mirror, Mirror! - flash

New Stories
Rewind - flash
Diamond’s Slipper
Colonial Dreamer - flash
Goddess Chatter
Lexicon  - flash
Hidden Love

I'm not yet sure of release date but I'm not rushing with this project. All I can definitely say is that it will be published in 2019.




AJ Blythe said...

I'm so thrilled you've been writing, E/H ;) Are you coming to conference this year?

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks AJ. Unless things change, no I won't be going to conference as I've committed to another conference. Sad face won't be seeing my RWA family. xx

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