I've been busy. Lots of stuff going on the health front but I won't bore you all with details. Suffice to say, I have surgery to unblock a stuffed nose at the end of the month and I've been in a sea of paperwork as I've been updating my medical records.
I needed a break and was looking over some old files with submission information on stories. I realised that I have never made the story Apprentice Bound available on the website as had been my intention.

This was my first published fantasy story in a magazine called Shortz back in 1999!
Gulp that's a long time ago now.
I'm always fascinated in an author's change in style over the years. I've learned a lot since the day this was published but I still love the story and so I haven't changed anything other than a few exclamation marks (- I couldn't let them all stay. *grin*). I guess if I were to start polishing the story, I could be there forever and so it's a tribute to my early days that I've not updated it.
I'm not going to put it up on distribution sites. This is purely for you readers and is only available from my website.
So without further ado, you can find Apprentice Bound HERE (it opens up a pdf file).
Now, the big question is - should I turn this story into a novel? Or start a series of short stories based on this story?
What's your preference?
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