Saturday, 5 November 2016

Crap week, 100 books read, and self publishing...oh, my!

It's been one of those weeks. I had so much planned to do but alas my health decided to raise it's hands in the air and say 'nup'.
Love to read! courtesy of Pixabay

And I listened. I rested and listened to books. And repeated the cycle.

In so doing, I've reached 100 books read for the year. Yay!

I've tried to fix a bug on the blog with regards to the links. It's not meant to be underlined nor be blue in colour but I just can't seem to work out why it's like that. I'll eventually work it out or the bug will fix itself but it's damn frustrating.

Okay so what else had I been doing before this week.

I undertook a newsletter course via the Romance Writers of America. I had started a newsletter earlier in the year but really didn't get far with it. I thought it was time to look at it again. Alas, when i looked at it again, I accidentally deleted my contacts! Yes, completely dumb. I thought I had been shifting names between lists and didn't realise my error until a few days later.

If you had signed up to my newsletter before October 2016, please sign up again. I really am sorry for the inconvenience. I promise to be extra careful when looking at the contacts.

I'm currently doing an online course via the Romance Writers of Australia on self-publishing with author, Cathleen Ross. I'm hoping for a re-release of one of one of my Musa Publishing titles. Watch this space!

Oh and I'm polishing a manuscript. It's taking a while as I keep stopping and starting, but I made good progress pre this week.

That's all for me for now!

~Be well. Be happy. Be kind.~


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