Saturday, 3 September 2016

Decluttering and being ruthless - aka The Taverna is back!

A blast from the past. This used to be on my website.
It reminds me of writing dreams.
Under licence from Dreamstime

Yep, I'm still here in my cluttered office living day by day. I've still been trying to declutter my life - I think that's always going to be a process for me as I tend to take on more and more without realising - and have made a little headway. 

I'm still reading though since end of July not as much thanks to family illness and attending the RWA conference here in my hometown (I'll do a post about that soon).

I've been sporadic on Facebook and Twitter but around. 

I'm making writing plans! Yay.

One of them is to write on the blog more. I find it helps my writing - if I don't overdo it.

Starting to see a theme with me? 


My limitations change from day to day, hence why it is a bit of a battle with tasks I take on, because I need to think of my bad days (this includes family health too) not the good days when I take something on. If I have a whole week of bad days then the task won't get done. And to protect my writing, I need to be more ruthless in what I do with my time. 

Ruthless Eleni. Sounds like a title of a suspense novel.

I'll be posting more beginning on the 4th September (tomorrow) with a special guest appearance by ex-Musa Publishing stable mate, Dusty Crabtree. She's on a re-release blog tour and dropping by in the Taverna.

So get your glasses filled with some wine, taste the meze on offer, sit back and relax.  
The Taverna is back!


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