Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Challenges galore...

Okay so most of my challenges are reading ones and I'm crossing over with those - i.e. I'm using the same books on different once - but they still count as part of the galore.

It's been a good start to the year so far and I'm working towards it being a consistent thing by routines and schedules. Hark - routines - I always thought I hated routines but I think it's the type that you do for the sake of doing type routines, instead for a real purpose like to make life easier.

Anyway, by putting some sort of semblance of routine in my life, I am making time for reading - which you already knew about (and you can read about on my Eleni's Library blog here) but other challenges such as two you don't know about unless you follow me on Facebook.

52 week Illustration Challenge

Firstly the 52 week Illustration Challenge - yep you guessed it, that means doing an illustration (whether by hand or digital) each week for the whole year! I'm part of a closed group on Facebook and I have been lurking for the last couple of years on this loop. Finally, I have been able to join in. I needed to focus on my illustrated creative side and not lose any skill that I gained in Tafe.

Here are my contributions so far:

Week 1: Fancy Dress

I was shocked and excited that Sally from the
challenge selected this as one of her picks
for the week!! You can see the post here.

Week 2: Outdoors

I have a slight Owl obsession...

I sign them as HelzKat Designs as that is my design alter ego but I am not on Facebook as a profile but only a page, so using Eleni. Looking forward to undertaking next week's theme: theme parks.

There are some incredible artists in the loop and one day I hope to be as good as them. But for me it's about developing my skills and most importantly having fun, which I am.

52 week Flash Fiction challenge

The other challenge that is more relevant to my writing life is the 52 week Flash Fiction challenge. That is a closed group as well with no blog or website, but in no way any less important. I'm reading some great stuff and I have done one story so far and working on my second one. I hope to share some of these Flash Fiction stories in future - most likely in my new newsletter!

This is getting the writing side of my brain working and this length is perfect for me at the moment.

Becoming more professional (personal author challenge)

And that brings me to the final challenge - getting myself organised as an author.
This includes organising the newsletter I have wanted to do for a long time. I'll be starting sending a newsletter (no more than one a month) in the next month or so. If you would like to sign up, you can do so below.

There'll be all sort of extra goodies like stories, behind the scenes stuff, and giveaways.

That's it from me.
Keep well.


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