I first saw Marion speak during an Adelaide Conference run by the then South Australian Romance Writers. She was the guest speaker and she was fabulous. Since then, I've seen her speak at other conferences, she came to the first Adelaide Roadshow, and I continue to be a fan. She is witty and fun, and always has a great costume for the Cocktail Party at RWAus conferences.
Her books are fun, emotional, and just wonderful reads.
Her latest book is Abby and the Bachelor Cop, a sweet romance. Here is a little blurb:
Bride-to-be Abigail Callahan has her life mapped out. Good career, wealthy fiancĂ©—it's perfect…too perfect. Then sexy bad-boy-turned-cop Raff Finn reenters Abby's life, landing her with an adorable homeless dog called Kleppy and a whole lot of trouble….
Raff's teenage recklessness once broke them apart, but he's not about to let his childhood sweetheart marry the wrong guy. With help from Kleppy and some Banksia Bay magic, Raff plans to reawaken the Abby he's always loved.
You can visit Marion at her website.
Her are a few select covers.
Keep on eye on the shelves for Marion's latest releases.
The cover for Stormbound Surgeon really caught my eye -- guess it shows that a cover can be minus a human (I know, gasp! Horror! but it's a romance, where's Fabio?) and still look incredibly romantic and attention grabbing.
You know I didn't even notice Jenny. Marion has such a huge backlist, that I chose at random! :)) But it is a very evocative cover indeed.
Marion Lennox is my favourite medical and contemporary romance writer. Her books are fun, emotional page turners. As you have mentioned she is a very generous writer to the rest of us. When I was a very new M&B medical author many years ago, I plucked up the courage to ring her with what I thought might be a contract problem and discovered right then for myself just how generous she is. It is always a delight to renew acquaintence with her at conferences.
Oh how wonderful Mary. Just another example of generosity and restores faith in fellow human beings. :)
I love conferences for that reason - see people face to face and connect.
Thanks for dropping in Mary, great to see you here.
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