Monday, 18 October 2010

Blogging from the Bedroom

The blog post's title sounds like a romance novel doesn't it. Though while there is a love affair in this tale, it is of the platonic kind. The kind you have for things not people.

I am talking about my new MacBook Pro (the slowly going to be paid off MacBook). Yes finally!! I have coveted this for just as long as my iMac, perhaps longer and finally bit the bullet and purchased.

It's a 13" 2.4 GHz model - check the models out here.

Yes I am in love. The keyboard is comfortable for me. I love the Macs keys. I don't have to work as hard as other computer keyboards and that includes my netbook (EeePC) which caputed on me a couple of months back.

It's the perfect size for me in screen size and is portable and flexible to use. Since I have an iMac I didn't think I needed a huge screen to carry around with me. I am still getting use to the trackpad. They have so many options of what they can do, but seriously love, love, love this.

So is it a good thing I can blog from anywhere other than at my desk, especially at 2am? Hmmm....I'm really hoping this will be used for my writing, especially with NaNoWriMo coming up. Also being a CFS sufferer, I can jot things down when I'm resting or am feeling too sore for the desk. 

Did I tell you how much I love my MacBook Pro? *wink*



Cathryn Hein said...

Lucky you!

It sounds fab, Eleni. I'm very jealous.

Kylie Griffin said...

Ahh, another Mac user. United we stand, Eleni!

I love my MacBook! Wouldn't swap it for anything else, unless it was an other Mac upgrade. :-D

Eleni Konstantine said...

Oh sorry to make you jealous Cathryn :)

Yay, Kylie, Macs rule don't they. I never could understand the phenomenon when I was a PC user. Now I KNOW. :)

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