Friday, 24 September 2010

Go, go, go....

That's how I feel my life has been lately and while I've had down times (well I have to or I will crash), it's been go, go, go in all aspects of my life - appointments, catching up with people, writing, errands, housework (always that - urgh!), reading, projects....

Phew, just tired thinking about it.

The next couple of weeks are going be 'those' weeks - non-stop. Every day I have an appointment of some kind and it's going to be school holidays, so everywhere will be busier.

Still writing related things that I would like to get done:

  • polish off the final chapters of a manuscript
  • enter a couple of US competitions due in October and November
  • review short stories and sent to relevant markets
  • add short stories published to my website. Looking them over I've noticed how much my writing has grown technically. I think the voice is there but I'm always improving, which is a good thing for  a writer to constantly do. 
  • I've got a number of projects on the go, so working out which to focus on next. I can realistically work on a first draft and then a second draft of two different manuscripts because they are vastly different stories and they won't get mixed up. 
  • Write a short story for a competition. 
  • Continue preparing for my seminar on blogging, which is in November
  • Get my study into some sort of order - yes, I know this is the never-ending battle. One day, one day. 

Yikes, my study is not far off!

That should keep me busy for awhile. I also do bits and pieces for RWAus, Bootcampers, SARA, and the Paranormal group I belong too. So I factor that in as well as blogging, blog reading, emails etc. I've been actually cutting back on blog reading and twitter. Some days I hang out more than others but I try and spread things out and take how I feel in a day into account. Finally, I'm getting somewhere with listening to what my body is telling me. Huzzah!

OK better get back to polishing.



AJ Blythe said...

Eleni, when did you sneak into my office and take that piccy? Hugs on the long "To Do" list. I have one of them and I think it grows overnight, all by itself.

Just make sure you take it easy :o)

Mel Teshco said...

LOL!!! I know just what you mean Eleni - one day we'll be good and just write for the day... nothing else!

Eleni Konstantine said...

LOL Anita. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Yes Mel, we should have "nothing else" as our mantra!! :))

Christina Phillips said...

Hahaha! OMG that pic is so funny!

Eleni Konstantine said...

It is Christina, I have this vision of everything toppling on that woman. LOL!! Yes, little things amuse me. :)

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