Monday, 11 January 2010


As everyone across the blogging world writes down their goals or resolutions for 2010, I have yet to come up with mine. Is it procrastination on my part? A little but I think it is more that there is so much happening right now in my life that I'm just dealing with day-to-day things. 

Writing - at a standstill. It's like my creativity has been sucked out by dad's surgery and this over 40C heat!

Reading - very slow. Just reading abit of Nikki's book Lights, Camera...Kiss the Boss as I fall into bed just utterly tired from my hectic days. It's a great book to finish the day off with. So my challenges look weak over at my book blog, Eleni's Library.

Studying - onto assignment 8. Now at the hard part. Have to write two 1000-1500 word reports. Eeek formal reports. 

Grants reports - I still have yet to do my reports for Arts SA and my local council - as I went straight from Eleni-fest to renovation clean up/hospital running around. So I've started collating the information.

Office clean up - I have made a start to this. Though to anyone else's eyes it would look I haven't made progress. I can SEE the carpet. Who would have thunk? I had a nice area on the couch during Eleni-fest but once all the prizes left, stuff just sort of migrated there (that's a better way than saying I chucked things there - LOL). So trying the slow and steady approach.

But the fun part of all is that I've pulled a neck muscle so it hurts to do anything for too long ATM. 

So my goals & aspirations for 2010 - hmmm...they will have to be general & then I'll have set smaller tasks to achieve them. 

My goal overall is balance - creating a balance with all the areas of my life. This is an ongoing battle as long-time readers of this blog know. It is harder when I feel differently every day with my energy levels. So that has to be taken into consideration.


  • seek agent representation
  • finish final final overview of HD 
  • finish first draft of DT & start polishing
  • Finish & submit Gateway to Hell (novellete).
  • Attend Adelaide Roadshow
  • Hopefully attend the RWAus National Conference in August. 

For my 2010 goals check out Eleni's Library. But really it's trying to tackle the TBR pile & get it under control. Not like that's possible because there is so much wonderfully talented authors who continue to release wonderful books, so it's ever growing.

Health - balance as needed.

Study - finish course by mid-April.

RWAus roles - continue to do my bits & pieces for RWAus. Need to set up reminders for my monthly tasks.

Networking - maintain my blogs, the Bootcamper 101 blog & website, the SARA website & news page.

Contest - I've actually been working on doing a cover design for a contest. So I am letting my creativeness out in other avenues. So enter this by its due date. 

So not real 'set' timeframes but general directional goals. I now have to think HOW I'm going to accomplish these. You know breaking down the tasks into achievable chunks. it may seem like I'm procrastinating but really it's planning & being flexible enough when life throws things your way ;))

Hope 2010 is fantastic for everyone!!

And don't forget to check out the LoveCats DownUnder blog that has launched today - there will be some prizes happening during this week. 



AJ Blythe said...

Eleni, sounds like you have some great goals there!

And I hope you make the August conference too ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Eleni :)
Thank you for the update post.
I'm sure 2010 will be tremendously better for you & yours than 2009.
I hope you succeed in accomplishing all you set your mind to do.
Love & Best Wishes to you & yours,

Cathryn Hein said...

As you say, balance is the key. It's all very well to have career goals you want to achieve but not at the expense of love and laughter.

As my 94 year old grandmother likes to proclaim, we're a bloody long time dead!

Sussan Marz said...

Yay for balance! Good luck with your goals and enjoy the journey.

Cathryn's grandma seems like an awesome lady!

Christina Phillips said...

Eleni, hope your neck soon gets better.

And yes, balance is the key and it's so hard to find. Actually I don't think you've been procrastinating at all!! (unlike me!!!)

Mel Teshco said...

Eleni the last few months I've declared "procrastination" my middle name!! And actually, from all accounts you've managed a heck of a lot - and under pressure!
Well done!!
ps - and thanks for helping promote LoveCatsDownUnder!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Hey Anita - it would be good to see you again at the conference.

Rob - thanks so much for the lovely sentiments.

Cathryn - love your grandmother's saying! :) And yes balance, balance, balance

Sussan - thanks - I like the part about enjoying the journey. That is forgotten too often I think.

Christina - went to the chiro today and had a good nap in the afternoon. Still a sore neck but a more relaxed sore neck :) Aw you're lovely to say I haven't been procrastinating. Actually maybe I should say things are at a pause stage :))

Mel - Nice to meet you Ms Mel Procrastination Teshco *grin* Thanks Mel. I'll take the positivity of the well done. Huggle.

And it is such a pleasure to promo such a great blog with some of my fave people blogging there :)

Remember everyone, balance, balance, balance.

Kylie Griffin said...

Hey Eleni,

Goal setting or check-listing is a great way to focus. Having them in sight of your gaze is always a must. I pin my goals to my wall in front of my lap top so they're always reminding me I have to work on them. I create checklists and scribble reminders on the wall calendar pinned to my notice board - also within eyesight of my laptop.

The organisational side of me likes these step by step procedures and reminders.

As Seven of Nine would say - "Order and logic is important to the Borg. How would they have achieved what they have without these qualities?" :-)

CAM said...

LOL true procrastination is doing so much planning you never get around to actually doing anything else - that's where I'm a viking!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Kylie - Love it - you brought Seven of Nine into blog comments. Yes indeed - Order & Logic.

CAM - LOL. Ah yes, what I call the 'I'm gonna' philosophy. I'm going to do this & that, and plan but never get to it. Hmm....better get my checklists out! :)

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