So it is working again - the link is on the right hand sidebar. And I've got it here also. So if you tried and the surveyl was closed, and you are willing, can you please have a look.
So what have I been doing:

- a little bit of writing
- some final polishing of HD
- organising and posting out Eleni-fest prizes
- SARA meeting - fabulous Elizabeth Rolls had a terrific Show Don't Tell presentation on Prince Caspian (book and movie)
- Trying to catch up with people
What is in store for the coming week:
- Booticonline - branding and history sessions
- catching up with friends
- going to go watch New Moon
- start next assignment for my course (7 assignments to go by end April - shudder)
- set some goals for coming few months
- and start massive clean up of study... notice I said start because it's going take me much longer than a week to get this space into shape.
- oh and sleep :))) (hoping)
Less is more?
Have been less on Twitter as I'm trying to catch up with things that have fallen behind. I've caught up with all my group emails (I think), so yay there. But I'm also spending less time blog reading as well. So I may skim, but I don't necessarily comment. Just depends on how tired I am and the time I have.
Basically what the conference and Eleni-fest has reinforced is that to make it as a writer, you need to write, write, write. So simple, yet easily to be distracted from it. So I need to concentrate on that aspect as well as the social networking side. Balance. Gosh that seems to be flashing in all parts of my life right now - balance, Eleni, balance. OK Universe...maybe this time it will sink in ;))
Wow, I thought my brain wouldn't come up with anything for a post and lookey here...who would have thunk the words actually make some sort of sense (hoping anyway!)
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Hi Eleni
I agree with the focus and balance. It takes a lot of self-discipline.
Best wishes with the assignments.
I hear you, Eleni. Getting the right balance is difficult at times. The survey isn't working for me. It keeps telling me I haven't selected an answer when I have.
Good luck with finding balance Eleni! Do email me when you learn the secret, won't you! LOL
Balance is key, and I've never been able to find it!! The social networks do take up so much time. And they can become quite addictive (Twitter, I'm looking at you) As for the study clean up, good luck there!!!
Thanks everyone for popping in.
Shayne - self-discipline - what's that? ;))) Thanks re the assignments.
Shelley - sorry about the survey. Some of them are word ones that require something in the paragraph even if it's just a yes or no. Hopefully it's that. Thanks for trying :)
Mel - LOL - yes, somehow balance seems to allude so many of us.
Christina - LOL re Twitter. Yes I seem to skim but haven't really been there lately. And thanks re study, I'm going to need it!!!
Hi Eleni,
It's the same for me, I select a word and then it asks for me to input an answer. :)
I haven't time to even think about twitter. I was going to get an account-perhaps one day. lol.
Hey Suz,
I'm sorry about that. I'm not sure why it's doing that to you. I just did a 'test' one and it worked OK. Thanks for trying though.
Yes Twitter use has really declined lately. It can be thoroughly addictive.
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