Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Eleni-fest: Rachel Bailey on How To Get Published

Today we have the brilliant, supportive and volunteer extraordinaire Rachel Bailey as my special guest on Eleni-fest. Rachel writes for Silhouette Desire and her debut book Claiming His Brought Bride will be released in January in the US. Congrats Rachel! Rachel will be talking today about How to Get Published.

Welcome Rachel to Eleni’s Taverna and Eleni-fest!

Take it away....(& I hope you like the piccies I chose *wink*)

Since getting ‘the call’ a bit over a year ago, I’ve been asked more than once by other writers, ‘how do I get published?’. So I’ve made a list of my suggestions. It’s by no means a comprehensive list (or even original ideas), but it’s my guide to getting you on your way.

1. Write, write and write some more. Nothing teaches you as much about writing as the act of writing itself.

2. Read the genre you’re writing – especially new authors in that genre because that’s what’s selling now.

3. Network with other writers. Go to conferences, join an e-loop, a face to face group, etc.

4. Get feedback on your work. Contests are great for this, or if you’re in RWAustralia or RWNew Zealand, the CP scheme will help you find someone to swap work with.

5. Hone your craft. Read articles, attend workshops and conferences.

6. Write, write and write some more. J

7. Keep up with industry news.  Writers’ organisation newsletters are good for this. Sometimes a publishing house changes its guidelines, and you need to keep up to date.

8. Make use of opportunities that come your way, eg., publisher on-line pitches or contests, schemes within your writers’ organisation, going to author chats at conferences, etc.

9. Know where you want to be published. Target your submissions to use your time efficiently and also to ensure you don’t find yourself locked in somewhere you don’t want to be.

10. Write, write and write some moreJ

So what do you think? Has anything on the list been more helpful so far than others for you? Or is there something there that’s been really hard for you to accomplish?

Also, if you have a suggestion that’s not on the list, please let us know in the comments!

One commenter will receive a copy of my first book, Claiming His Bought Bride (as soon as I get copies myself!) which will be out in January in the US and February down under.

Thanks for having me on Eleni-fest!

You are welcome Rachel and thank you for joining us. Doesn't Claiming His Brought Bride have a stunning cover everyone?!! Definitely worth the wait! 

Note: Rachel will be joining us in the late afternoon.

Please comment by the end of 2nd November for your chance to win a copy. 

Comments are now closed. Congratulations to Christina Phillips AND Serena. That's right, Rachel decided to give two copies away. Thanks Rachel!!!

Good Luck! and thanks Rachel for your generosity!

Don't forget to check out Rachel's website here.



Anna Campbell said...

Eleni, you really need to get a Golden Rooster - if only so I can keep winning him ;-)

Rachel, what a fantastic post. Um, so you think people should write? I think you should have emphasised that more! Snort! Seriously, that's excellent advice!

Actually the other thing I'd add is if it's not working for you, don't do it. So if you're in a crit group or partnership that's stifling your creativity, get out of it. And remember you're in charge of the ship - it's your story in the end. If you believe strongly in something and judges and crit partners don't, well, you're captain!

I can't wait for your debut book. It sounds absolutely fantastic!

shayne said...

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

As usual, absolute words of wisdom from the BootCats SUPER mentor.

We love you Rach. And I can't wait to see the book - gee, I'll buy a copy if I have to!

Thanks for a great post.


Angie Peters said...

Congratulations on your upcoming debut, Rachel.

Wonderful advice for us aspiring authors.

Thanks for another great interview, Eleni. Oh, and loved the pics ;)

Becca said...

Another great interview!

Thanks for the great advice Rach, obviously it worked for you. Where does reading informative blogs like this fall under?

Looking forward to reading your book!


Sharon Archer said...

Great post, Rachel! I love your pictures and the way you've dispensed your excellent advice. I second everything you've said and especially the "write, write, write"!

Can't wait for Lily and Damon's story to hit the stands Downunder with that gorgeous cover!


Mel Teshco said...

Hi Rachel,
great great suggestions!
Another thing aspiring writers could think about is all the wonderful volunteer work on offer at RWA & the Heartstalk mag - Karma has a way of rewarding those with big hearts (don't they Rach!!)

AJ Blythe said...

Thanks Eleni and Rach :o)

Wonderful words of wisdom, as always, Rach.

Having been lucky enough to have been under Rach's wing as part of the Bootcamp brethren I can say my writing has improved this-------------------------much since following Rach's advice. ((Hugs)).

And further on your CP advice, and Anna's 'if it's not working for you' I'd like to add:

Just remember, constructive critiquing isn't criticism of your work, it's to help you learn and improve. So take what you like and toss the rest, but consider it carefully first!

You can learn the theory of the craft, but putting it into practice can be another story. Sometimes it takes being hit over the head with your own words to have it sink in *wink*.

Nikki Logan said...

Morning Eleni and thankyou Rachel for such a simple top ten.

'Write, write and write some more' pretty much sums it up. You can't lose your momentum for a second, so if you're not putting words on a page for some reason then, yes, And then when the words come back you've filled the time with constructive forward-moving activities. It all counts.

I second Sharon's comment about your cover and how it's going to fly off shelf. Can't wait!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks everyone for making Rachel feel welcome!!

Anna- what about a Golden Adonis? Will he do?
- LOL yes love the write, write, write. It really hits the nail on the head doesn't it
- thanks for popping by when you have the launch party going at the Bandits blog - - check it out for your chance to win a copy of Captive of Sin
- and yes, if it's not working for CPs, then part gracefully.

Shayne - LOL. Obviously you want the book?
- Rachel is SUPER WOMAN, I'm telling you. The woman is like a little energizer bunny that keeps on going and going.

Angie - it is just wonderful advice. Thanks for loving the pics. :)

Becca - hmmm no. 3? Let's see what Rachel has to say.

Sharon - I know that cover is amazing isn't it.

Mel - Like I said before, Rachel is SUPER WOMAN and does so much for RWAus and writers. Definitely a big heart that needs much rewarding.

Anita - Bootcampers everywhere love Rachel :) and yes since then, my writing has improved so much more.
- When getting a CP it's good to learn their process and see if you can work together and exactly on the critiquing is so it can help improve your story.

Nikki - morning (just here). Yep it all counts, but write, write, write is 30% of the list. Actually more coz if you don't write, you don't have anything to show at conference pitches, or entering contests etc. :)

mariska said...

Another new author for me :) great knowing You Rachel!
And i'll pass your top ten lists to my hubby, coz he's planning to write a book *g*

uniquas at ymail dot com

Christina Phillips said...

Excellent list, Rachel (and great pics, Eleni!) Definitely write, write write. And then write some more! And if one sub-genre isn't quite working for whatever reason, try another. Sometimes a change in focus can really electrify the creative process and push you over the line from 'not quite what we're looking for' to a 'YES!'

And Rachel I love your cover. It's so romantic and gorgeous!

Tara Pammi said...

Hi Rachel,

What a fabulous cover and thank you so much for your advice. Can't wait to read your book in January.


Anonymous said...

Great advice!
And despite knowing how much time it takes, reading other writer's/ agents/editors blogs and keeping up with the latest news, and picking up tips on writing, submitting etc sure helps.
As long as it doesn't take over and we leave plenty of time to...
What is it Rach??
Write, write, write!
Thanks for a great blog Rachel and Eleni,

Eleni Konstantine said...

Mariska - I'm enjoying introducing to new to you authors. And please do pass on this list to your hubby.

Christina - isn't the cover magic. and thanks re the pics ;)) And you are living proof that changing focus may be just what you need :)

Sri - welcome to the taverna!

Suzi - A good tip when reading blogs is to use something like Google Reader, so it's all in one place. Then if you want to comment, you then go to the site. It frees up time that way.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Eleni, a golden Adonis suits me fine. And don't worry about a wardrobe budget ;-)

Meant to say I love the photos!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Anna - LOL!! Yes, the budget in the taverna with all these drinks and food, well you know how it is. So Adonis is happy to go ala naturale for you.

And thanks for loving the photos.

Rachel Bailey said...

Eleni - thanks so much for having me here! And I really like the pics you chose to go with the list. Sheer genius. :) Sorry for the delay in commenting, but I'm here now and ready to jump in!

Anna - yep, I think people should write. =) Hey, that's *such* a good point about not doing it if it's not working for you. I'll add that to my list. And yep, you're the captain of the ship, so take on board only what works for you. So, *so* important.

Rachel Bailey said...

Shayne - thanks for dropping by, and even more thanks for the kind words. And with great people like you in the BootCats, it's a pleasure to mentor. =)

Angie - thanks for the congrats! I'm glad the advice helped. I should have added, *don't give up*! I wish you all the luck in the world with your writing journey.

Rachel Bailey said...

Becca - reading informative blogs like this falls under #7: keep up with industry news, and also under #3: Network with other writers. Eleni is fulfilling 2 goals with one blog! Thanks for saying you're looking forward to my book. =)

Sharon - hello, Ms. Archer! As someone who helped Lily and Damon get their story into a book, you deserve a great big thanks. So here it is: THANKS! :o}

Rachel Bailey said...

Mel - great to see you here! Oh, yes, volunteers go straight to the front of the publishing line ;o). Actually, there *are* great benefits in volunteering, because at the very least it helps you network with other writers (#3).

Anita - loved the visual depiction of how much your writing has improved! Those are very wise words on CPing, there, Anita, thanks for adding them in. And yeah, sometimes it takes being tapped on the shoulder with a feather, sometimes being hit over the head with a brick, and sometimes being hit by a mack truck, lol.

Rachel Bailey said...

Nikki - great to see you, Logan. I *know* about that cover - I just love it. I thought I was biased because it's my first book, but I'm thinking maybe it's just a great cover. =) Hey, good addition to the list about keeping your momentum up. Anyone told you lately that you're wise?

Eleni - me an energizer bunny? Dh will laugh himself silly over that because it usually takes quite a bit of prodding to get me out of bed in the morning. Though once I'm up I take a vitamin B, so perhaps that's the secret. ;o)

Rachel Bailey said...

Mariska - oh, I've feeling very honoured to be a new author for you! And tell your hubby that I wish him *heaps* of luck with the book he's planning to write. Writing is so cool (but again, I may be biased ;o)).

Christina - another *very* good point about if a sub-genre isn't working then try another. Perhaps I need to add in something that covers this point and Anna's point about if feedback isn't working, let it go. Experiment! Thanks. =)

Rachel Bailey said...

Sri - thanks for the sweet words! Yes, isn't the cover gorgeous? I think the production department at Harlequin did a fabulous job with it.

Suzi - you seem to have got the main point in the post! Lol. And yeah, keeping up with industry news via blogs etc, is definitely worthwhile... unless it cuts to much into writing time. =)

oldbitey said...

It's THE Rachel Bailey!
I'm so Happy to see you here and proud to know you. You inspire me, plus you love dogs and Notburgers.

Your twin.

Kandy Shepherd said...

Hi Rachel, your advice is excellent.
I think there are a few of us responding to this blog who know about not giving up even after years and years of trying!
Your cover is gorgeous - they look like people we'd like to read about their journey to that HEA ending. And I love her shoes...

Rachael Johns said...

Coming in late (cos I've been relief teaching today instead of write, write, writing) but can I say thanks for another great post!

I think the list is fab and a good reminder to just keep plodding on. I'm hoping the old adage 'the only people who don't get published are those who give up' is true!!!

Congrats on your debut and yeah... welll... the fabulous cover!!! Can't wait to read it!


Eleni Konstantine said...

Rachel!! Welcome to the taverna!!! My pleasure for having here. I'm glad you like the piccies...genius not quite but the pitching & target one especially spoke to my quirky sense of humour.

And of course this blog is also a #7. Sounds like bingo...

And OK so you are not a non-stop energizer bunny - you need a little prodding but then it's go, go, go until you retire for the evening.

Good to see Rachel's twin here!!

Kandy - oh the shoes, so cool!

Rachael (aka Rach!), hope the day was not too exhausting. Brave woman to be a relief teacher. Definitely agree with the moral of the story - keep going, keep writing, keep at it!

Rachel Bailey said...

oldbitey - Twinny! So good to see you here. Dogs, Notburgers and books - is there more to life? *happy sigh*

Kandy - interesting you mentioned Lily's shoes on the cover... That cover has all the details exactly as described in the book, from her dress, to the bouquet, to their hairstyles , to the setting. But I hadn't described her shoes. And when I saw the cover, the first thing I noticed were her shoes, and I was so glad they'd added such fabulous ones to the image! Thanks for dropping in. =)

Rachel Bailey said...

Rachael - you don't have to worry about adages etc - I've read your work and I *know* you'll get published. =) Hope you get some good sleep after the day of relief teaching!

Eleni - I loved the target pic! Very appropriate. And I have to say that your taverna is a great place to be hanging out. :o)

Eleni Konstantine said...

So glad you are enjoying being part of the taverna Rachel. Getting enough retsina? I see Anna is holding tight to the Golden Adonis. I'll just call another waiter (from movie 300) to take your order.

I liked that particular target one because you saw both the archer and the target and thought it more appropriate than just a target on it's own.

Ah here's Leonides to take your order....

Mary Hawkins said...

At last I've had a chance to read some of your blogs, Eleni, and just sorry can't do so more often. What a great list you have!
Really enjoyed your comments, Rachel, and do agree with Anna that to have a book published the most important thing to do is to write, write, write.
Can I add to that how important it is to finish writing the whole book! Have met far too many writers who seem to only write the first few chapters and for whatever reason don't finish it. The Emma Darcy contest for unpublished writers was originally commenced with that being one of that great writer's efforts to get writers to do just that - finish the book. And while I'm on a roll, can I also suggest you don't make the same mistake I did after finishing my first manuscript. The rejections for that one kept coming and my lack of self-confidence made me not start another book for far too many years. Besides, finishing that first manuscript is such a learning curve - or it was for me in those days long before RWAustralia started with all the wonderful information and help now available.
Sorry, didn't mean to write a "book" here on your blog, Eleni, but this is something I feel passionate about!
Mary Hawkins

Serena said...

hi Rachel,
Wonderful, wonderful advice! Nicely presented with visuals and in point form. I agree with all your points and have another suggestion. Try judging competitions. I learnt so much about writing when I had to comment on entries as to their strengths and weaknesses, what worked and what didn't.

Thanks for having Rachel as your guest, Eleni.

Hugs to all

Eleni Konstantine said...

Hi Mary - welcome to the taverna!! So glad you can pop in. Good point on finishing the whole book. Definitely important and write as long a comment as you like - loved reading it.

Serena - yes judging would help one learn about one's own writing. I haven't personally taken it on but it's what I hear from those who have judged. I'm just bad at giving things a score.

Rachael Johns said...

Aww thanks Rachel - you are so noice!! But don't ask about the sleep - lol :)

Sandie Hudson said...

I'm doing catch up again. LOL. Great post Rachel, very helpful for us still on the road to publication.


Rachel Bailey said...

Mary - oh, yes, fabulous points! Finish the *whole* book and don't let rejection stop you. Thanks so much for the additions.

Serena - Judging! How could I forget that? Such a good tool for learning to analyze work which helps you see your own work more objectively. Good point!

Rachel Bailey said...

Rachael - right back atcha with the noice. :)

Sandie - Glad it was useful. You do quite a lot of useful things yourself for those on the road to publication. ;) Thanks for dropping by!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Sandie - I agree with Rachel, you do alot for us in RWAus. With such a busy schedule my goodness, how do you find the time to write?

Actually, Rachel, how do you find the time to write? Rachel is queen volunteer and all round noice (as Rach! said so aptly).

Paula Roe said...

Hi Rachel - can't believe I haven't seen your gorgeous cover until now!!! Love the post (and OMG, a Wookie at a baseball game??)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Isn't it a fabulous cover Paula....

And yes, Rachel was talking about pitching, I saw that photo while searching for images and said...I'll take that thank you....I don't know why said Wookie is pitching but I love Wookies. They are so loyal ;))

Linda Henderson said...

Great advice. I love your book cover.

seriousreader at live dot com

Rachel Bailey said...

Paula - Yep, isn't the cover gorgeous? You've had some great covers with Desire too - including a cover comp winner. :) Wookie at a baseball game - only Eleni!

Linda - thanks for dropping by! And yeah, I'm pretty chuffed with that cover (am I sounding like a broken record yet? ;)).

Nicky Strickland said...

So, let me get this straight. The sekrit is ..... WRITIING .....OMG!!!! Whoda thunk it :-)

Though Eleni sometimes I think the 1st image is what I need - a space I can shut the door on everyone & everything else (downside of my house *lol*).

Love the post, the cover & the picture choices (now if only I can get my cat to assist with keeping up on containing the TBR pile).

Eleni Konstantine said...

Linda - Rachel gives fantastic advice.

Rachel - you can love the cover and say so as many times as you like. LOL re the Wookie. Hey he was there, he was pitching and it's something you will remember. Oh that Eleni, she's just so nutty at times *wink*

Nicole - yes...secret to could it be writing. You know actually have something to submit? Perish the thought - LOL!
- yes a writer's space is so handy. I took over half my mum's formal lounge - the rest has become storage. She's not happy with the latter. So big clean up needed - GULP!

Rachel Bailey said...

Nicole - Yep, the sekrit is writing! =) Oh, yes, a place where you can shut a door on the world is really useful for a writer. Even if it's the verandah and you're closing the door on the people inside the house. ;)

Eleni - again, thanks for having me at Eleni-fest. It's been a ball!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Rachel it was indeed my pleasure having you in the taverna! Thank you so much.

And everyone thanks for you comments.

Rachel the lovely person that she is has decided to give a second copy of her debut book.

So Christina Phillips and Serena - come on down!!


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