Today we have the lady who brought me into Hearts Talk many moons ago, the bubbly Paula Roe as my special guest on Eleni-fest. Paula writes for the Silhouette Desire and her book Boardrooms & a Billionaire Heir was a finalist for this year's R*BY short sexy category. Congrats Paula!
Paula will be talking to us today about character motivation....with a lovely prop at her disposal ;)
Welcome Paula to Eleni’s Taverna and Eleni-fest!
Take it away...
Thanks Eleni for inviting me onto your fest :-) For this post I was tossing up between something fun or something writer-ly. So I finally settled on writer-ly - and a topic that a lot of writers have problems with. Character motivation.
Motivation is why the character does what he does and is strongly tied to his goals (what he wants). The key to motivation always lies in the character’s past.
So how to you get to the bottom of what's exactly motivating a character?
Here's a little exercise I like to use. Imagine your hero has been given a truth serum so he CANNOT lie to you (hmmm... wishful thinking there). You can ask him any question you want, any topic and he will always tell you the truth.

Now, for this demonstration, I shall need a hunky gorgeous dude. Oh, look David Boreanaz is doing nothing - let's use him, shall we? But we shall call him Jake.
Me: (in star struck voice) Hi, David. I love you.
David: (in brooding, slightly amused tone) Hi. Thanks. But my name is Jake.
Me: Oh. Okay. So tell me. What do you do for a living?
David-now-Jake: I buy companies then sell them off for a profit.
Me: So you're pretty rich, then.
Jake: you could say that.
Me: so how come you do that instead of, say, a trade or an office job?
Jake: (frowning) because I have a talent for it. And because there's more money in it.
Me: Ahh. Is money important to you? Does having a lot make you happy?
Jake: Yes.
Me: why?
Jake: because... (thinks)
Me: remember you can't lie!
Jake: Right. Because money gives you freedom.
Me: from what?
Jake: so you don't have to depend on others
Me: did you ever depend on someone?
Jake: not in a long, long time.
Me: and did they let you down?
Jake: yeah.
Me: (patting the sofa) lie down on my couch and tell me all about it.
Jake: (sighs). What's there to say? My mother was a drunk. My stepfather beat me up. I left home when I was sixteen.
And so you can see the pattern here. The key question is to keep on asking "why?" I want to explore the world. Why? Because I need adventure. Why? Because I’ve spent years in an unhappy relationship. Why? Because half a partner is better than none at all. Why? Because I don’t want to be alone. Why? Because my mother left when I was eleven. See how easy it is? It may seem like you're being quizzed by a five-year old, but it really does get you thinking about the 'why's!
Another quick example - your heroine is desperate for a child. Why? Yes, it could be biological, but great and burning needs are motivated by something missing, something highly desirable in a character's life (I call these prime goals). Maybe she was abandoned as a child and needs a baby to make her feel like she has a family (prime goal: family). Maybe she lost a baby very young or gave it up for adoption and needs to fill that space in her heart. (prime goal: unconditional love) Maybe she needs an heir to gain her family's fortune. (prime goal/s: security or respect). Or maybe she needs a baby from a particular man (prime goal/s: revenge or justice)
Bottom line - whatever the motivation, always, always keep asking why to dig deep and discover what really makes your character tick.
Now, I’d love to hear you quiz one of your characters! Post their whys here and you could win any book from my backlist (2009 RBY anthology included!)

Thanks Paula for that great article and for your generosity.
Please comment below answering Paula's question above. Comments are open until 3rd November.
Comments for prize is now closed. Congratulations Mel Teshco!
Good luck!
Paula’s most recent book, The Magnate’s Baby Promise was a September release in Australia. Her next will be out in June 2010 (US) as part of the Outback Billionaires and Babies miniseries. Check out her website.
Hey, I won the Golden Adonis!!!!! Yay! And he's wearing a particularly fetching loincloth today, Eleni, I notice. Someone's been to the loincloth shop!
Paula, great column. Although honestly if you think we believe you asked DB to lie down on the couch just so you could quiz him, you think we all came down in the last shower too.
Mmmmmm, David Boreanaz...
Um, what was the topic?
Oh, yeah, motivation. I think you made a great point that those motivations need to be something really visceral. The characters are basing life decisions (and decisions that are often causing them pain) on that motivation. It has to be something deep and essential to who they are. So if they give up the motivation, they feel like they're giving up the most important part of themselves. That adds so much power to the love story because falling in love makes them break all those rules they've lived their lives by. A broken fingernail or the equivalent doesn't cut the mustard.
Hmm, actually a really big broken fingernail probably would cut the mustard...
OK, going back to staring at David!
Are you oggling my David, Anna?? Oh, well, who can blame you? :D Should've known you'd be up at this time ;-)
Yep, you are so right - motivation has immense power. I love delving into what makes people do the things they do!
Thanks for a great post Paula.
Cait :)
Great article Paula, I love the why's! Hmm, which character??
I might ask Cray from Stone-Cold Lover a few questions =)
Me: Welcome Cray, have a seat. Oh and, ah, feel free to stay in Gargoyle mode - I love those wings.
Cray: *stiff nod* Loretta is the only woman I'm truly comfortable around as a gargoyle, but in your case I might make an exception.
Me: *fluttery heart* Why don't you like showing off your wings? They're truly beautiful.
Cray: *hard stare* You try living in this form every day, frozen in stone for almost a century. Only Loretta has truly loved me for who I am...and I'm not about to give another human a chance to screw me over - study me, lock me away.
Me: Then I thank you so much for allowing this brief but insightful interview.
Cray: *nods* I need to get back to Loretta. *smiles, eyes soften* she's everything to me...
Sheesh. got carried away. LOL!
Great post, Paula! I have a few questions as it happens -
1. Have you untied David from the couch yet?
2. Can someone please remove all these fingernails from the mustard, and
3) I have to get back to my ms, but why oh why did I ever think this premise was a good idea... (slaps head) Thank heavens for deadline motivation:) Must dash!
LOL Anna - back for the Golden Adonis I see. yes re the loincloth, the other staff were complaining.
Staring at David, is a good past time. What's my motivation for that? Well hello, look at him. Not deep enough motivation to sustain a story though. *sigh*
Welcome Paula!! Hope you have a fun day in the taverna. Drinks, food, and yummy waiters are part of the parcel.
Cait - it is a great post isn't it.
Mel - oh more into Cray's!
Trish - yes, I'd be interested to know if Paula has let David leave the couch yet. Thanks for popping in despite your deadline.... :))
Great post, Paula. One of the things I love is digging deep into my characters motivation, learning why they're behaving in this particular way. Being a panster I don't know them too well before I start writing (which used to really bother me!!) but somehow it all falls into place the more I learn about them.
LOL on David B. Do you belong to his nekkid fan club by any chance?!
Heyt all - talking of sofas... just got back from Ikea :g:
Hi Cait - you're welcome!
Hey Mel - oooh, a dark, damaged hero :D love it!
Trish - 1. :sigh: No. The man's abs are so delicious!! 2. ewww! 3. oh, alright. But you do know you *can* write, huh? You've done it before and I'm pretty sure you'll make it work! ;-)
Hi Eleni and thanks for having me here!
Christina - ah, you see, that's the problem I have with pantsing! I've gradually come to realize that I need some of that backstory/motivation behind my characters before I try getting the story down. It doesn't have to be reams and reams of stuff, and is generally just a flash of ideas that come to me when I start thinking about the story. In fact, one of the first things I contemplate when I start a new story is "who is this person and what is their problem?"
Another great blog, Eleni! Sigh. Now I just may be addicted to your blogs. Discipline, Mary. Discipline or my own current manuscript will never get finished.
Loved the way you illustrated - er...especially the hunk photo - motivation questions, Paula. And because I was away from the country I've missed your September release so far and only hope when I do get a chance to check the shops out in Launceston there are still some copies around.
You're welcome Paula - you and David are welcome anytime. i hope you don't mind but I've put David to work as a waiter. He's getting good tips too.
Christina - being a pantser I understand that so well. I think that is what the first draft is for me - to nut out the story and work out the characters. Though I do have an idea of what their problem is like Paula does. Just a smidgeon anyway. ;))
Actually that made me laugh Paula, 'yo character, what's your problem eh?' popped into my head when I read that. Aha, the retsina is getting to my head.
Mary, well it is writing related Mary, so it's not as bad a blog to be addicted to ;)) Though yes, the writing does come first. Thanks for saying hi!
Quizing my WIP
Me: what do you do for a living?
Alex: (eyes dart side to side for brief moment) I'm a barkeep
Me: Fun job?
Alex: It's a job.
Me: Do you want to do another job?
Alex: maybe one day. I don't know. Never thought of it. Barkeep is easy.
Me: Why is that?
Alex: it's a job you can pretty much do anywhere.
Me: So you travel alot?
Alex: you could say that.Look I really have to get going.
Me: Really I didn't think your next shift was for another couple of hours.
Alex: It isn't but I have to check on someone.
Me: Someone special?
Alex: (blushes) yes but no.
Me: Well tell me about this someone special.
Alex: (shakes head) No. It's too dangerous. (eyes widen) Crap.
Me: Now we are getting are hard work girl.
Alex: It's kept me alive so far.
Interesting quiz there Eleni...
Your blog interviews are great so much detail, I'm loving all the info and comedy.
Paula your books sound amazing, always great to get to know a little about the authors of your favorite books. Thanks for doing this interview with Eleni..
sorry for the silence - I had my computer go a bit crazy and had to get someone to fix it. Works like a dream now!!!
Hi Mary - ooh, I've addicted someone (in a good way :g:)
Eleni - that's a excellent grilling!
Mitz - you warm the cockles of my heart... favorite author weee! :D
Hi Paula,
Thanks for the great blog post. Now I'm off to ask all my H/H heaps of why questions. Of course I could end up a bit like a 4yr old the spends all day asking why. LOL.
Mitz - isn't Paula's post informative and funny. Loved it when she sent it to me. And having DB as a model sure helped too - that Paula sure knows how to pick them.
Paula - so sorry to hear about computer probs. A writer's worst nightmare. Glad to hear it is sorted out now. And thanks re the grilling. Yay Paula said I did it right....phew!
Sandie - LOL, yes it is very much like a 4 year old but why? Have fun with your characters.
I have to agree with you Mary H. I get addicted to reading all these fascinating post by all these clever people.....must get back to own MS.
I'm afraid I'm a bit weird... my characters always come and join me in bed at night. Usually at that time of the morning when REM dreaming begins.
They talk to each other. They argue and disagree and I have to be the mediator. I help them through their anguish and pain and we all like it best when they make up, realizing there is a way around most of life's problems.
My present two are not seeing eye to eye on the stormy seas off the Ivory coast. She is playing woman-spy and he wants her off the ship and back home where she would be safe and out of harms way. Neither think it is a great combination.... but I have faith that they'll work it out.
yep, Sandie, it's exactly like a child! My 9yo still does it and it really gets me thinking about why we do what we do.
Hi Maryde! That bed of yours must get crowded :D I see conversations like a scene from a movie, which makes it very easy to write down.
Thanks for everyone's comments - keep 'em coming and you could win a book (and maybe something extra now I've cleaned up my office!)
Hey Maryde, as Paula says that bed of yours must get crowded. Your current story sounds fascinating!
Paula - you cleaning the goodness I was saying on Twitter how no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to keep this desk tidy. I think I need to read over your workshop notes to give me a little kick up the behind.... ;))
Fun & writer-ly post Paula. It's funny you use David. I don't actually need the look to catch my characters I need a voice. I get that voice in my head & bam, there's the character evolving :o
Cleaning up your desk what's that? I don't understand these complex ideas you are having.
That's a seriously gorgeous pic of David B, Paula!
Great interview, full of fab advice for writers! Thank you!
I'm off to try an interview with my uncooperative hero. He's the strong silent type and only let's me dig out his information in carefully portioned bites. He's going to drive my heroine up the wall - I'm looking forward to it!
Nicole - interesting how we all have our process. Some visual, some auditory like yourself.
And yes the clean desk is a fascinating concept. LOL!
Sharon - the silent hero - you have to chisel it out of them on aching step at a time. LOL re driving the heroine up the wall. Oh the things we do to our characters! :)
It's fun thinking of new ways to make their lives difficult, isn't it, Eleni!
(Rubbing hands in glee with evil grin!)
LOL Sharon - indeed it is. If you had a mustache you would be twirling it about now - LOL!!!
Thank you everyone for commenting and making Paula feel at home.
The winner is Mel Teshco for interview that gorgeous Clay of hers!
Thank you so much Paula and Eleni (am I allowed to SQUEEEEE here!!!) I'm totally wrapped!! =)
Ps - Eleni I'm a bit worried about this Clay guy you keep talking about... (g)
Yes you can squee....
Oh and typo - sorry Cray!!
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