The Saturday and Sunday of Hot August Nights, the Romance Writers of Australia conference was a whirl of keynote speakers, workshops, pitches, chatting over morning and afternoon teas, & lunches. Also there was some time to browse the book stall (run by Rosemary’s Romance Books).

Our official day started with the presentation of members who had First Sales during the past year – this included Bootcamper Nikki Logan! (Go Nikki, Go!) And then there was the launch of the Little Gems anthology – which includes a short story by my fantastic CP, Fiona Gregory. (Go Fi, Go!)
This was followed by a wonderful opening address by our Keynote Speaker, Mary Jo Putney. Goodness I could listen to her talk about writing for hours. And what was even lovelier was how her husband beamed at her and embraced her when she finished. A man obviously proud of his woman – a true romance.
The day was then split into a choice of workshops/chat sessions. Believe me it was so hard to choose.
On Saturday, I attended:
Bronwyn Parry and Bernadette Foley
with publisher/author relationship

- Give yourself permission to play to find voice.
- Needs to produce a book a year to make a living from writing in Australia.
- In regards to cover, remember cover designers are limited to stock photos, hence why they don’t always look like characters. Eg 'Dark Country' – heroine a redhead, cover blonde but the blonde photo captured the essence of the character. (now darkened her hair with software).
- Resistance by booksellers to romance books (Australian chain stores).
World building with Rowena Cory Daniells
- Excellent notes – (ones that I will be going back to and rediscovering once Eleni-fest is over).
- Workshop split with groups to come up with story using character sheets.
- So character drives the story and plot.
- Had fun!!! I found it amusing that the fantasy writers group I was with didn’t progress along with the story elements as fast as other groups (urban fantasy, paranormal romance, science fiction/futuristic). I guess that is why we write fantasy- everything is epic! *grin*
Crime Control from Counter Terrorism to Search & Rescue with Superintendent Shane Chelepy
I missed this session as one of my pitches was scheduled during this time. Though from all accounts, it was a fascinating session. (Oh btw, I did get a request for a partial from Annette Barlow from Allen & Unwin *grin*)
I missed this session as one of my pitches was scheduled during this time. Though from all accounts, it was a fascinating session. (Oh btw, I did get a request for a partial from Annette Barlow from Allen & Unwin *grin*)
Blogs & Blogging panel
Panel consisted of M.J Scott (pre published), Keziah Hill (erotic romance author, own blog), Christine Wells (historical romance author, part of a group blog) and Paula Roe (moderator and Silhouette Desire author). Each person had their own reasons for blogging the way they did.
- Be clear about what you want to achieve from the blog.
- Keep it regular posts – though your writing is most important, so work to your schedule.
- Think before you vent.
- Entering into a relationship with readers, so need to work out how will portray self and how much you will blog about yourself (ie most don’t write too personal details).
- Group blogs handy when blogging takes up so much time.
- Opportunity to promote but don’t let it be all about promoting.
- Drawbacks - Have to manage time. Be available for comments (though pointed out that you don’t have to respond to every blog comment.).
- Use of RSS readers to consolidate feeds into one spot helps manage time eg Bloglines or Google Reader.

At the end of the day was AGM, and we Bootcampers showed up wearing our caps… that was a laugh. The President’s report (the lovely Kelly Hunter) really highlighted how much RWAus has grown. Thank goodness. Back in 2002, it looked like it was going to fold.
photo by Monique Wood
I will focus on the Awards dinner as part of Friday’s blog post. So stay tuned!
Breakfast was a quiet one with me and my CP, and it was great chatting in person. We have IM chats, always great with distance, but this was fantastic. So glad to have had time to do a one on one chat.
Sunday Sessions I attended were:
Spotlight on The Knight Agency with Melissa Jeglinski

here are just a few points:
- Follow submission guidelines – electronic only.
- Remember sometimes it comes down to “the right book at the right time.”
- Agent works for you but be kind.
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Media? with Allison Rushby
I missed this session as one of my second pitches was scheduled during this time. It’s unfortunate but that’s part of the pitching process. (Oh btw, I did get a request for a partial from Mary-Theresa Hussey from Harlequin *grin *)
Trish Morey's Great Beginnings, Big Bang Endings
& High Stakes in Between
Trish is a fellow SARA member and she had a chuckle when she found out when I was coming to her session – but the thing is I haven't seen her workshop in action even at the Roadshow in Adelaide. While the information were things I'd heard before, Trish has a way of making you think ‘aha’ yep, gotta remember that or 'now I see'. It’s always good to revisit some craft topics and information, such as:
- Start in the right place.
- Any questions raised for the reader need to be built on and delivered.
- In category must get Hero & Heroine together on page as soon as possible.
- Big Bang Ending is a natural result of your story and will spring out of your conflict.
- Conflict sustains the middle of the story – external conflict brings together, internal forces them apart.
- Characters & conflicts arise from premise - avoid the bicker-bonk conflict.
Paranormal chat
Authors chatting were Keri Arthur, Rowena Cory Daniells, Emily Gee, and Denise Rossetti. It was a Q&A type session and it was absorbing, & totally engaging (I couldn't stop yakking and asking questions *grin*). Some notes taken:
- Publishers place labels on genres.
- Space Opera – becoming more popular.
- Urban Fantasies – see more of the continuing series.
- Steampunk – fun with Victorian era.
- Always good to check out what happening outside of the paranormal romance world to the ‘straight’ speculative fiction community – including Supanova, Conflux, Continuum, WorldCon – Aurealis Awards
- Vampires need a new twist - harder to sell.

But the best part was that Harlequin Australia matched each dollar raised - so the $5K ended up being $10K for Breast Cancer Research. That is absolutely positively awesome!!
And that concludes the official conference programming but in no way concludes the conference experience as I spent the next couple of days meeting with writers, brainstorming and having chats. Fantastic conference!! Thanks RWAus and everyone who made it possible.
Bootcamp writing lunch (from L - Tracey, Roseanne, Alison, Nikki, Me)
See I told you in my flyer there would be yakking involved. *grin*
Reminder: for your chance to win the Writer’s Pack with extras (as seen in yesterday’s post) make a comment on the below topic to any of the posts on Monday, Tuesday (this post) or Friday. You have until the end of 11th October to enter.
Topic comments for Writer's Pack now CLOSED.
Congratulations to commenter Toula.
What was the best part of the conference for you? This includes the Clayton’s conference.
If you didn’t go this year’s conference, comment about a time you did go (again can include the Clayton’s Conference).
If you haven’t been to a conference (either in person or online, what keeps you away?
If you are not a writer, what do you think the best thing about being a writer would be?
If you are not a writer, what do you think the best thing about being a writer would be?
Other Eleni-fest activities
Remember comments are still open over at the Bootcampers 101 blog until the end of the 7th.
Sounds like a fun and informative time! I'm happy you got to go.
Hi Eleni! Just finished the damn book, so I can come over and play awhile - looking forward to your fest ;-)
Joder thank you. Definitely fun and informative so thought I'd share this around :)
And yes, I was extremely lucky this year to be able to go.
Hey Paula,
Congrats on finishing the damn book!! hoorah! And yes come along and play. :))
What a fabulous round up of the conference, Eleni. I've yet to make an Oz conference but have been to one in the UK (RNA) when I first met Amanda and Sara (my CPS) so that was pretty special! Also gone to three RWNZ conferences and I just love everything about them (apart from the traveling!) Hope to make the Oz conference next year!!
Thanks Christina. I hope I haven't bored anyone yet ;))
I didn't realise you had met your CPs at an RNA conference. How fantastic you all clicked and became CPs and meeting them at RWNZ conference must be special indeed. Hope you can make it to both conferences next year!!!
Good news - Carol Marinelli just tweeted - Pink Lunch raised $12937.26!!!
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