Thanks for joining us Mel and welcome to Eleni-Fest!!
Congratulations on the release of Stone Cold Lover. Does it still feel surreal that you are a published author?
Thanks Eleni. Yes, it really does still feel surreal! And to be honest, I hope that shiny feeling inside never goes away, never fades!
What attracted you to the world of gargoyles? How did Cray and Loretta’s story come about?
I wanted to have a heroine who wasn’t virginal and goody-goody, a heroine who had everything given to her on a silver platter, and who to the outside world, truly did have *everything*. The hero gargoyle came about from a curse I played around with. And I liked the idea of having a hero who had an ability but was still flawed both physically and emotionally (yes he can glide, but he can’t fly, he’s not a superman character).
Can you tell us your Call story? How did you choose Ellora’s Cave?
I’d written Stone-Cold Lover (which btw was originally Kissed by Stone) specifically for Nocturne Bites, and as all writers have experienced, I was rather crushed at the big R. (I really thought this story was ‘the one’!) On a bit of a whim I sent it to Ellora’s Cave, where it turned out the editor there loved it. Bless you Pamela!
The cover art of Stone Cold Lover is fantastic – did you have any input into how it would look?
It is fantastic, thanks Eleni for saying so! I did have lots of input for the cover art. Part of the process is for the author to fill out a cover request form. I asked that the hero in his human form be looking into a mirror and seeing his gargoyle form, I also specifically asked that his wings be included – no easy task! Les Byerley did a fabulous job for me =)
Um, the story is an erotica, and there is one scene that is truly unique – when Cray is in his gargoyle form (R rating! ) Was that something you did to spice it up for Ellora’s Cave?
Yes! Originally there was just a little gentle foreplay. At my editor’s request I had to ramp all my scenes up, make them much more graphic, detailed and visual. She also asked for another sex scene. Phew! That is where my extra scene went! (and I’m quite happy I have to say, with the result )
What are you working on now? And what’s in the near future for Mel Teshco?
I’m working on Ice Cold Lover – the daughter of Cray and Loretta – who has her own body issues (with a set of wings she has to permanently hide). I’ve also just given my editor a contemporary short story about a stripper, so waiting to hear if that is a yes or a no. Apart from that I’m co-author on a single title called ‘Believe’, which is really deep and meaningful and rather chilling at times (in a good way), with much of it based loosely on real life happenings (think psychics, mental hospitals and spirits) which I’m extremely excited about!
‘Believe’ sounds fascinating. How are you finding the collaboration experience?
It's been such a learning curve for me (and no doubt for Kylie too!) and so very very different to my solo efforts. Believe is very indepth, so though I do the writing itself, Kylie does almost all the research, emails people for reference and helps to roughly plan out where the next chapter is heading (this shuttles back and forward between us until we have a happy medium). Kylie also helps to edit and remind me where I'm at - invaluable with the copious amounts of notes, ideas and general scribbles we have! Of course this process is much, much slower, but I 'believe' the manuscript is far more complex and 'real' (Kylie has first hand experience as a psychic herself). Of course, all we have to do now is finish it!
It's been such a learning curve for me (and no doubt for Kylie too!) and so very very different to my solo efforts. Believe is very indepth, so though I do the writing itself, Kylie does almost all the research, emails people for reference and helps to roughly plan out where the next chapter is heading (this shuttles back and forward between us until we have a happy medium). Kylie also helps to edit and remind me where I'm at - invaluable with the copious amounts of notes, ideas and general scribbles we have! Of course this process is much, much slower, but I 'believe' the manuscript is far more complex and 'real' (Kylie has first hand experience as a psychic herself). Of course, all we have to do now is finish it!
What attracted you to writing in a shorter format?
I *love* writing in shorter format. I find my voice and pacing style naturally suits the 20K mark and under. I have written longer length (I finished Shadow Hunter some years ago, which I intend to take out, dust off and revise very soon!) and am still writing Believe – but it’s a much bigger ask of my ability as a writer.
How do you think your writing groups and associations have helped you in your writing?
I know for a fact I’d have been lost without them. There were a few years I wrote with no support, no network. I didn’t even know where to find other writers, who they were and what they wrote! It wasn’t until I moved to QLD and discovered RWA, that the proverbial ‘writing’ snowball started to gather momentum – I soon met and was inspired by other writer’s like Rachel Bailey and Robyn Grady, joined and began to swap chapters with an online group – Claytons Critters, before finding some fantastic CP’s who also dreamed big.
You’re a wife, mum, live on a rural property with a lot of animals, and are a writer. How do you fit it all in? Do you have a set routine?
Routine!? Lol – what is that?? No, I guess I do have a routine of sorts. I check most of my emails etc in the morning while Miss two is having her breakfast and watching cartoons. The rest of the morning is the usual housework/mum/errands stuff. My next round of writing – which is usually blogs/promo/writing related stuff, is when Miss two has her afternoon nap. After that (I won’t bore you with my afternoon schedules) you can almost always find me writing between 8.30pm and midnight. Writing really is a BIG commitment when you think about it!
What or who inspires your writing?
Think the question is, what doesn’t? I guess it’s bits and pieces from everything, everyone and everywhere – with a big dash of imagination.
What do you love about being a writer?
I love that it’s *me* who is calling the shots, making up characters and plot. I love the freedom, the creativity and the fact that I’m doing something I’ve only ever dreamed I’d do!

Mel has kindly offered a giveaway of either a copy of her ebook, Stone-Cold Lover (must be over 18 to receive) OR a critique of your first chapter.
To enter, make a comment below by the end of the 18th October.
Comments are now closed. Congratulations Joder!
Please visit Mel's blog to read the blurb of Stone Cold Lover.
Mel - the first time I read your work when we were in the Claytons I knew you would publish. You ROCK.
Don't put me in the draw as I already have this FAB book. Cool Bananas.
Hello fellow night owl. Thanks for popping in to tell Mel how much she rocks. I recently read SCL & wow! She does indeed Rock!
(and cool bananas re the draw) ;))
This book sounds so good! It's nice to have a new otherworldly creature to drool over besides vamps and werewolves.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Hi Eleni :)
Thank you for having Mel Teshco here today and introducing me to her & her writing. Thanks to Mel for sharing in this excellent interview. I've put STONE COLD LOVER on my get&read list.
All the best,
PS - Mel Teshco is on Twitter: @melteshco
Stone Cold Lover sounds like an excellent read!
Mel - I loved hearing about your writing journey. I sort of fell into Ellora's Cave too and still love it there five years later.
Your cover is gorgeous!
thanks so much sweety!!! We've come a long way on this journey =)
Thanks for agreeing with Tracey, Eleni!
You're a gem for having me! (and reading me!)
Hi Joder!
Thanks for visiting!
I did enjoy creating this gargoyle character - though mind you I still love my vamps and werewolves... (g)
Hey, thanks right back RKCharron for visiting and saying so! Hope you enjoy Stone-Cold Lover!
Estella - I'd like to think it really is an excellent read (very modest here! lol)
Hi Shelley!
EC do great covers, don't they!(love your latest one!)
Thanks for dropping in from Kiwi land =)
Hi Mel --
Can't wait for Ice Cold Lover! SCL was hot, hot, hot and I loved the cover.
Believe sounds great and I'm fascinated you're co-authoring.
Hi Anna!
Hot - thanks for saying so!! (and for loving the cover)
co-authoring isn't for everyone, but I think Kylie and I make a pretty good team =)
Hi Mel,
You often hear how authors put in a request form then discover they have little say in the finished product, so it's nice to see that so many of your ideas made it onto your front cover.
Covers seem to be the talk at the moment but I have to admit it was the new idea from your blurb that caught my interest - a gargoyle. Not exactly the most visually appealing hero but how much fun it would as an author to play with the idea of how to make him attractive to a reader.
I've only read two other gargoyle romances and they were written by Marjorie M.Lui. She sparked my interest with Charlie & Lannes, the heroes who were gargoyles in her stories. And now there's you :-) .
BTW, I have two stone gargoyles guarding my house and gardens (Boo is perched on a stump and he peers back at me through the kitchen window, and Screech sits on rock beside the step to the front door of my house). Not many people like them but I love their fierce expressions! I have a picture of Boo on my website.
Hi Mel,
Glad that EC saw the light and got you published. With such a sexy gargoyle, how could they resist.
I love that you have say in your covers. The cover for SCL is wonderful.
Can't wait to see how 'Believe' turns out.
Hi Kylie!
Yes, the cover artist really did do a great jog - including the wings turning to stone in the mirror as the sun hits them (totally missed that first time lol!)
I actually hadn't read a single gargoyle story until after I wrote mine (loved the cartoon though!) I've come to realise there are a few out there!
Oh and I love your pet gargoyle names - Boo and Screech - will have to check out your website again!
Hi Sue,
great to have you here :o)
Funnily enough, a few other pieces of work I sent to EC didn't even make it to the acquiring editor... like the subjectivity of judges, it really is luck of the draw which editor we get to read our work - and if they'll pass it along to an acquiring editor!
And I hope Believe will be finished soon, so you can read it and see what you think!
Hi Mel and Eleni,
Hmm, love a man with muscles! I have to say I've never read a book with gargoyles in it and I started thinking about that sex scene you were talking about... Let's just say my imagination works very well but I'll have to pick up a copy of the book to find out what happens =)
Great interview Eleni! As always!
Who can't remember her logins so is now anonymous ;P
Hi Bron!
Yes, muscles (but not too OTT) are wonderful on a naked man (sigh)
Ah, the sex scene... I love that sex scene! -lol- now you'll have to read it!
And yes agreed, Eleni does a great interview =)
Hiya Mel,
I gotta say it again: hawt cover! And by all reports, what's on the inside totally lives up to it *VBG*
Thanks for sharing your road to publication -- I love it even better when I'm reading about someone I've met, too!
Hi Maree!
Don't you just love meeting up with other writers at conferences - putting names to faces is the best!
Thanks re: the cover =)
See you next conference?
*sigh* Nothing beats a tortured hero who's super-protective and a bolshy heroine who let's herself be weak with him.
I'm looking forward to seeing your stripper (as it were!)
Great interview, Mel, enjoy the ride!
(Dont put me in the draw either E, I already have it...)
Hi Nikki,
LOL!! I need to use my dictionary for that word - Bolshy!
And yes I agree, gotta love a tortured hero!
Hey Mel and all. Glad to see the party in full swing. Renovations means my electricity to computer shut off. Thank goodness for the iPhone. Bar's open and don't harass the waiters too much ;))) I'll pop in again & hopefully be able to respond.
Hey Eleni - you're missing a great party!!! Might have to get myself a bourbon LOL!
How's the renovations going Eleni - I hope you've got some hot tradies doing that for you!!
Great post girls. Mel thanks for sharing your writing journey. Of course I love finding out how others write.
Great interview!
Interesting to hear your story, Mel.
Don't put me in the draw cos I have SCL already too. And can I agree THAT sex scene is HOT, HOT, HOT!!
Looking forward to ICL and Believe.
Hi Sandie!
thanks for visiting me at Eleni-Fest (though I'm still waiting for the bar lady hee hee!)
And Becca, I'm glad you thought SCL was hot, that'll make my editor very happy (g)
Barkeep - midouri & lemonade please! Went to library but all computers taken and booked. Drat! Still no electricity so will use iPhone. One fingered typing. Still not used to it. Anyhow Mel hoping you are having a great time. Got your bourbon yet? Hope so otherwise I will have to talk to the staff! ;)) Unlike Nikki who was a judge for hot tradies, I'm not so lucky - family doing renos. :( I hope you show all your positive feedback to the editor. I'm sure she will be very happy indeed :)
Glad you found a co-authorship that works for the both of you. Have to let us know when it's out.
Thanks for being my special guest. You were fun to interview and that shines through in your answers. Was indeed a joy to read SCL.
Joder - yes it's great reading about gargoyles. Though love all sorts of paranormal creatures. CE Murphy has a gargoyle as one of the races in The Negoiator Trilogy. (only read first one so far).
RK - it's my pleasure having Mel here. Lovely lady & talented author.
Estella - it is indeed an excellent tale.
Shelley - congrats on 5 years with EC! And you' ve been lucky with the cover fairies too.
Anna - agree with you. It is hot, hot, HOT!
Kylie - I'll have to go & check out your gargoyles!
Sue - yes can't wait for ICL!
Bron (of the forgotten account password) - thanks re great interview. Mel is a great guest. Oh and yes I'm sure you will find that scene very interesting!
Maree - it's great to hear call stories of people you know.
Nikki - trust you to come up with a great description. Love bolshy!
Sandie - thanks & I do too.
Becca - yes indeed. But you know you can still be in the draw to win z chapter critique. ;)
oh that Midouri has gone to my head!
Oh no! I'm late again. I think Sunday totally bypassed me!!
Great interview, Mel and Eleni. I'm now agog at *that* sex scene and will have to move SCL up my tbr mountain!
Eleni!! I can't believe you had to type all that into your iphone - and amongst renovations too! - you're totally dedicated you sweet heart! I think you covered everything there too in one hit =)
I haven't had my bourbon yet, will have to rectify that shortly lol! Geez the bar here is slack! ANd oh yum for the midori and lemonade!
lol Christina - I think *that* sex scene could be my big selling point!
Christina - nuh you're not late the party is still happening. And yes, please move SCL up the TBR mountain. I'm glad I did ;))
Mel - here is Mr Adonis, he will give you everything you need...drinks that is *wink*
Thank goodness the renovations is confined to the kitchen and family room. But the electricity is back on!! Yay. As for the iPhone, thank goodness the touch screen is keyboard is QWERTY style (aka like the computer) and it's easier to type things quicker. Best thing they taught us in high school - typing!!
Gotta make sure my guests are taken care of. :))
I did get to have a nap, see one drink and straight to my head....and lovely to wake up to use computer again. Funny how much we rely on our computers!
Hi Mel and Eleni! I'm another one not for the draw because I've already got this book. And I agree with the others here - it's hot and fabulous. *Very* much looking forward to Ice Cold Lover - how cool to meet their daughter and that she has different body issues. Thanks, Mel!
Hey Rachel, I'm waiting for ICL too!
Hi Rach!
thanks for stopping by =)
Nothing like having a heroine with her own body issues to deal with (cue evil laughter!)
And thanks Rach for being a fabbo critique reader!
Great to hear all about your writing,
The gargoyle sounds really cool, or should I say HOT!
Can't wait to read it,
Hi Suz,
thanks for joining the party!! Yes a hot, Stone-Cold Lover =)
LOL Suzi and Mel - yep he may be Stone-Cold but he is hawwt baby hawwwt!
Thanks Eleni for having me here! It's been a blast! And thanks everyone for your comments =)
Hi Mel & Eleni
Great post guys!
Mel, I'm fascinated by the premise of your story - I was also interested to hear it was written for NB. Coz, well, I got one of those (and counting!). It's super to see it picked up elsewhere. Good luck with ICL and your other projects.
Eleni, keep rockin' the Fest!
Right off to bump SCL up the TBR... :)
Thank you very much Mel - fun having you in the Taverna. Stick around for a few more drinks :))
Thanks to everyone for making Mel feel welcome.
Elove - hey there. it is great to see stories being picked up elsewhere. Woohoo. To think if it had been NB, THAT scene wouldn't be in it. And you'll know what I mean once you read it.... :))
Hi elove!
whoo hooo on your manuscript waiting with NB! I've had one there for a while too and counting lol! How many months have you been waiting?
And yes Eleni, you're spot on - THAT scene (LOL) would not have been there if it had of been a noc bites.
Thanks, Mel...
I just got an R back from NB - after 7.5 months. March to late September. Working on sending that one elsewhere. :)
I should have my next NB sub ready to go in two days...
Now I HAVE to read STONE COLD LOVER to find 'that bit'! x
Looking forward to the rest of the Eleni-fest! Eleni... x
Oooh, and good luck with that NB sub, Mel!
Thanks elove,
I actually sent my NB off in March too - and still waiting =)
Wish you the very best of luck with your next NB!
Oh Mel good luck with waiting for NB.
Elove - good luck with your next sub! and thanks for joining Eleni-fest!
Phew! After reading a wonderful interview & the entertaining comments, I'm being pulled further into the e-reading world.
Mel your story has been fascinating me since hearing about it (& I love the colours in your cover), but the e-thing has been keeping me at bay....
No more. Between you & Anna I'm going to be converted I can see it now!
Eleni, as always brilliant organising (iphone posting included)!
LOL Nicky, yes the iPhone did come in handy that day! ;))
And looks like there's an e-book convert...on ya Mel and Anna. Good luck with trying e-books Nicky
Hi Nicky,
that's such a thrill to know my story is fascinating someone!
Anna and I would be quick to tell you that - though you have to read our stories on a computer or ereader - or print out, they're not full length so eye strain is kept to a minimum! (g)
Hope you enjoy!
Good point Mel - LOL!!
Conspiracy Eleni - really is!*lol*
Mel, I think that is one of the reasons (other than the fascination & impatience to actually read, rather than hear second hand) I'm able to push over into the e-realm.
Having said that, my other half is working very hard on trying to convince me on the benefits of an e-reader (I'm reading off my laptop when I have e-books).
I so know what your other half means! I've been looking at e-readers for ages! Seems advantageous to wait just anothe couple of months though...
Yes an e-reader will be good and I think now the market will open up more in Australia. I've know got an iPhone, so can use that as a reader. Just have to work it all out! ;))
Hey, Eleni!
I've got an iphone, too. I like Stanza for eBooks, mainly because I can load in my own wips and then annotate them as I revise - its sooo cool! :)
oooh thanks for the tip Emily!
Thank you everyone for leaving comments. We had Mel's daughter pick the prize winner....
Mel - thank you so much for joining Eleni-fest and for your generosity. Say thanks to your daughter!
Thanks so much Eleni for having me and organizing this *huge* month!
Congrats Joder, hope you enjoy the book (or critique) I'm so glad my daugher chose a winner - it was too hard for me! =)
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