Today we have fellow RWA Paranormal member, the amazing Keri Arthur as my special guest on Eleni-fest. Keri is a Dark Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance author, who has hit the New York Times Bestseller list with her Riley Jensen Guardian series (how cool is that?!).
My quick fan-girl moment *grin*, Keri is also my ‘writer of the moment’. That means one of Keri’s books is currently at all times (at the moment Beneath a Rising Moon, Ripple Creek series, book one). I’ve been hooked since reading Dancing with the Devil (Book One of the Nikki & Michael series) back in 2002.
Welcome Keri to Eleni’s Taverna and Eleni-fest!
My quick fan-girl moment *grin*, Keri is also my ‘writer of the moment’. That means one of Keri’s books is currently at all times (at the moment Beneath a Rising Moon, Ripple Creek series, book one). I’ve been hooked since reading Dancing with the Devil (Book One of the Nikki & Michael series) back in 2002.
Welcome Keri to Eleni’s Taverna and Eleni-fest!
I remember when I interviewed you for Hearts Talk when you received the 3-book deal with Bantam. Now you’re a NYT best seller!! Congratulations! What was it like when your books first hit the list? How has this changed your life?
Whenever a book hits a list--any list, not just the NYTimes--it’s a totally amazing feeling. I dance, I scream, I eat chocolate . And it’s a feeling that doesn’t get old. The biggest change it has made? I guess it’s the fact that selling to Bantam and making the lists (which meant my books were selling well) has enabled me to quit work and concentrate on writing full time.
There will be nine books in the Riley Jensen series. How did this series come about? What was the original length of the series going to be?
The Riley Jenson series grew out of several books I’d written for ImaJinn. In both the Ripple Creek series and in Circle of Desire, you can see elements of the world building that appears in Riley’s series. The original idea for the cloning thread that runs through the first three books actually came from an article I’d read about cloning--it suggested that it might one day be possible to clone grannies! Needless to say, that was enough to spark my imagination (though cloned grannies never did make it into the series.) Originally, the series was only going to be three books, but by the time I’d reached the third, I knew Riley’s story wasn’t finished. And luckily for me, Bantam wanted more.
You are working on a second series for Bantam – Myth and Magic? How different is this from Riley?
The myth series features dragons and sea dragons, and is set in America rather than Australia. But there’s actually only going to be two books in the series now. I’ve switched to writing an offshoot of the Riley series (the working title is Dark Angels) and it features Risa, Dia’s little girl. It’ll concentrate more on the reaper and Aedh side of things, though vamps and weres will naturally appear. As will Riley and Rhoan.
What attracted you to the world of the paranormal and dark urban fantasy?
I can write weird things and get away with it
(EK: can't argue with that reasoning)
How do you tackle world building?
I very rarely sit down and create a world before I start writing. Generally, the world develops as I get into the story. But then, my preferred way of writing is as a pantser, so actually thinking about the world before the story is written is rather foreign to the way I write.

I keep getting asked if I’m ever going to go back to those worlds--particularly the unfinished Spook Squad series--and the answer is no. I wrote those books a long time ago, and the worlds and the characters are now foreign to me. In the case of the 4th Spook Squad, I can’t even remember where I was intending to take it--and that’s no way to finish a great series. I’d rather leave it as is than botch the story.
But it’s totally brilliant seeing them on the shelves here though. I knew when I sold to ImaJinn that I’d never see them on shelves here in Australia (or in America, for that matter), so it was a totally buzz when Piatkus said they wanted them.
The cover art of your books are great – US ones particularly more ‘ethereal’ and the new Piatkus ones, so cool. Do you have a say in them at all?
I’ve no say in them whatsoever--although I guess if I ever hated a cover, I’d get my agent to say so . I love the new Piatkus ones--so much that I asked permission to use the Bound to Shadows artwork when I redesigned my website. Piatkus are intending to re-release the entire Riley series next year with the new covers.
You know I’m a big Quinn fan. Who is your favourite character from your books?
Actually, I’m loving writing Risa at the moment…and the reaper in it is totally hot
What is in the near future for Keri Arthur?
Well, I’ve just finished the edits for Moon Sworn--the last Riley--and that should be coming out around June next year. After that, there’ll be Mercy Burns--the second dragon book--which comes out Jan 2010. From there on, it’ll be Risa’s turn.
How do you think your writing groups and associations have helped you in your writing?
I’m a big believer in critique groups, and I am part of one--the Lulus. We meet once a month to crit, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without their help. Of course, RWAust has been brilliant, and I’ve made a lot of fab friends who are always there to lend support when needed.
Do you have a set routine?
I do the same thing, day in, day out. I’m boring, really I usually read emails over breakfast, then I take the dogs out for their walk. Then it’s off to the gym for classes or to get tortured by my trainers (I have two PT sessions a week on top of classes). Then it’s back home for lunch. I write in the afternoons, and aim for 5 pages a day--unless I’m on deadline, in which case I’ll write whatever I need to each day.
(EK: I need a nap just reading that!)
Favourite author, book, tv show, movie?
Fav TV show is Supernatural--can’t go past the sexy brothers (and the angel they added in season 4 is rather nice too ).
Fav movies--LOTR trilogy, Bourne trilogy, just about any romantic comedy ever made
Fav Authors--I’ll read anything written by Dick Francis, James Herbert, Eloisa James or Jacqueline Carey.
Fav book--would have to be LOTR
What do you love about being a writer?
Getting paid for what I’d be doing anyway.
What was your ‘apprenticeship’(ie pre-pubbed years) like?
Well, considering I was writing para romance and urban fantasy long before the market even had a name for it, you could say I had a long, long apprenticeship And I garnered bag loads of less than inspiring rejections, but I kept going because I had to write. But there were lots--and lots--of times I thought I was never going to get anywhere.
Many unpublished writers believe that once you get the call, you’re in. What is your experience with this?
That the real work is only just beginning. Not only do you now have to produce a book to deadline, but you have to juggle edits, line edits, galley checks and promotion while you’re meeting that deadline. Plus do whatever else your publisher might want you to do. And let's not even talk about the worry of sales and whether they’re good enough for the publisher to go to contract again…
You went to the recent RWAus conference. As a published author, did you still get light bulb moments?
I love going to conferences--it recharges the writing soul. And I don’t think a writer ever stops learning. I always come away with something--be it a light bulb moment or a new way to tackle an old problem.
You recently went to Conflux. How was that?
Conflux is a different type of conference to RWA, but it’s still great fun. They have panels rather than tutes, but there’s always a wide range of topics and I always come away having learned something new.

I actually went to a designer because I simply didn’t know enough about designing to get the look I wanted--and I didn’t have the time to teach myself. I think the website has grown as I’ve grown as a writer--but I have to say, I’ll be sticking with the current look for a while. I love it.
You are now part of the blogging team at Deadline Dames. How did this come about?
It came about simply because we all write in the urban fantasy genre and because we all share the same wonderful agent. I believe the idea was first suggested at the Romantic Times conference--during one of our many drinking sessions…
Do you keep the titles of your books?
Mostly, yes. I think there’s been 3 Riley novels that they requested a name change for, but generally I’ve been lucky.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I’m a pantser who’s being forced to plot. Bantam now require a full outline of each book before I hand in the book. I have to say, it’s a rare occasion where the outline actually resembles the finished book.
How long does it take you to write a book?
I generally finish a book every three or four months (depending on how tight the release schedule is). I’ve already written two this year, and I’m hoping to finish a third.
You used to be a chef. Do you miss that at all?
Not one tiny bit. Hated the hours, hated working in the heat, hated getting burned all the time (because I’m short and the ovens were tall. Lol) I miss the people I worked with though.
What do you do in your ‘down time’?
Read books (I’m on a historical kick at the moment), gardening, go for drives to weekend markets, take photos.
Thanks Keri for joining us. It's always a pleasure chatting with you.

For your chance to win a copy of Deadly Desire, please leave a comment (you must be over 18).
If you want you can answer the following questions - do you read paranormal romance or dark urban fantasy? If so what do you love about them?
Comments will be open until 26th October.
Comments for the entry are now closed. Congratulations Louise D!
Good luck!
And thanks Keri for your generosity.
Don't forget to visit Keri's cool website to check out her books.
And thanks Keri for your generosity.
Don't forget to visit Keri's cool website to check out her books.
Hi Eleni & Keri :)
Thank you for the wonderful interview with the amazing Keri Arthur & thanks to Keri for sharing. I loved learning more about one of my favorite authors. No more Spook Squad. LAST Riley book coming soon. I wondered if Keri missed cheffing too.
Thank you again,
Love & Best Wishes,
Hi Rob -Thanks for popping in again. Glad you learned more about Keri in this interview. And she is one of my fave authors too.
Yes, I read both kinds of books (oh, who are we kidding? I read everything) and like them for their dark and broody atmosphere. I like the exoticness of the worldbuilding and how cool the abilities are that some of the characters are endowed with.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
LOL Joder - yes I read everything too. Though ATM I'm reading more paranormal romance/dark urban fantasy. Worldbuilding is just great - I love discovering new worlds. Sound like I'm some kind of explorer doesn't it. Getting late be off to sleep :)
Hi Keri and Eleni! Thanks for the great interview. I'm so excited to hear about the new Risa-based series! I was so sad to think the Riley Jensen series would end -- it is one of my favs and I get people hooked on it all the time ;-)
Oh, and I read both paranormal romance AND dark urban fantasy, but not only those two genres. I like the other worlds and other creatures and I love the idea of supernatural powers -- make an alpha male a real alpha male.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi Keri and Eleni,
I'm a huge Riley fan, and although it's sad to see a series finish, I'll be looking forward to the new one. I'm obviously a fan of paranormal stories.
Getting paid for doing something you love sounds like a great plan to me!
Always great to read about you, Keri - I remember my first RWA conference, going to one of the author chats and meeting (the then "unknown to me") Keri Arthur, urban fantasy writer.
You were telling the group about getting published - if you wanted it badly enough then you'd stick at it, no matter how long it took. You have and look at what you've achieved :-) !!!
To answer Eleni's questions - I read both - paranormal for the HEA and UF for the action!
Hey there, Keri! Terrible thing to admit but I've only JUST read the first Riley book last week (hangs head in shame). Yes, I'm a latecomer but I'm already hooked! The major bummer is I can't get them on ebook (curse those geographical restrictions!!) BTW I'm getting a friend into the series - any chance of mailing me a signed bookplate/label for her?
Another great interview Eleni, and nice to read about you here Keri - I'm the one who stalked you to outside the ladies toilet to get a signature from you for my daughter, Shannon (g)
Obviously we both love your books and very much looking forward to your new ones!
Hi Bella - thanks for popping in. I think Risa's series will be fantastic. Supernatural powers are indeed cool!
Shelley - hey there. Love the getting paid for something you'll do anyway too. Very good plan indeed.
Kylie - it is great reading about Keri's achievements. I too remember meeting Keri in the first conference I went to in Melbourne 2002 for her first ever author chat. Look up the word 'drive' in the dictionary and you'll see a picture of Keri.
Paula - don't hand your head in shame. There are so many books and styles out there it's easy to feel like the spinning head from the Exorcist. Glad you are hooked now! I have many 'new to me' authors.
Mel - LOL oh Shannon would indeed have been a happy girl. And Keri is just so generous with her time as always. She was more than happy to sign a friend of a friend's copy last conference.
Thanks everyone for making Keri feel welcome, who no doubt is at the gym.
I grew up on fantasy, then discovered romances - when I was old enough :) What could be better than combining my two fav genres :)
Great interviews Eleni! And Nice knowing you Keri, a new for me Author : )
I more to Paranormal romance, coz i love psychic things, ghosts. And i won't say No for Urban fantasy when the characters and story are strong and good.
Great interview Keri and Eleni. Keri, I didn't realize you had a new blogging group - must check it out.
I think what you've achieved is just bloody fabulous. It's funny -- you've been on a historical reading kick, and I've been on a paranormal/dark urban fantasy one. And am loving my Keri Arthurs.
I also love-love-love it that Piatkus have put out your Imajinn books (and with such beeeyoutiful covers) and that finally, all that effort has been rewarded. You are the poster child of writing what you love, regardless of the market, and I love that you're reaped the just rewards.
i too grew up on fantasy but haven't actually ventured to this genre as an adult.
Interesting interview - has inspired me to give it a try!
Hi Eleni - it's sooo sad that October is nearly over - you've been rockin' the Eleni-fest. And with Keri Arthur, it's going out with a fantastic Aussie bang!
Hi Keri - *eeeek - moment!*
I first started reading the Riley series as an audio book - my local library has book 1 on CD - and I'm very glad they do. I thought, "This author rocks" and then had a bit of a moment (another one) when I found you were from Melbourne. Oi, Oi, Oi!
I started reading fantasy and fantasy romance as a teen (I read LOTR as a ten-year old and adored it!), but my tastes have definitely gotten darker and sexier over the years. Now, I'm paranormal all the way... I can be talked into (with very little effort!) UF as well, but I do love my HEA.
Well done, girls! X
Louise - yes the combination of fantasy and romance is a fantastic marriage.
Mariska - thanks Mariska. Glad could bring Keri to your attention.
Anne - LOL -re the two of you reading in each other's genres. Isn't it just fab that Piatkus are releasing the ImaJinn titles - great stories there. I had started collecting all series except the Spook Squad from ImaJinn and now I have those in gorgeous Piatkus covers.
- And so agree Anne, that writing what Keri loved has paid off. Lucky for us she kept going.
Becca -yay for wanting to give PR/UF a try.
elove - hey ya. Ok there is still 10 days of festing to be had!!! Go the Aussie Authors - it's been great interviewing everyone.
lol Eleni. I skipped gym today (had to visit the bank) so I ended up doing 5km on the treadmill instead :)
Anne, right now I'm loving Julia Quinn and a certain Anne Gracie. Don't know why I never read historicals before now! I agree with you on Piatkus' covers--they're rereleasing the entire Riley series next year with the new cover style :)
Lol Mel--I love being stalked outside toilets (better than inside :) ) Hope you enjoy the new one!
Paula, the ebook restrictions suck. But hopefully with sony soon to release a new ereader that's format free and them partnering up with google books, that'll be less of a problem.
bookplates are no problem--once I get some ink in my printer. lol
Oh Keri - you may have skipped the gym but 5kms on the treadmill - thump - that's me collapsing in a heap if I attempted that right now. :))
lol. Trust me, 5km just about did me in, too. Of course, I was running for half of it. :)
Fab interview, Eleni and Keri! I love paranormal romance and UF, so it follows that I'm currently writing an ancient historical series *lol*
And those new covers are absolutely gorgeous!
I read a lot of paranormal books. I enjoy the mystique of the vampire, werewolf, shapeshifter, dragon and other paranormal creatures. It takes you to a whole different world.
Um I would have collapsed from just a stroll Keri..triple thump if there was any running involved (can't run with this bung knee). ;))
Christina - so cool you are writing ancient historical series - one of my goals in my writing life.
Linda - yes I love escaping to other worlds where there is mystique.
Hi Keri and Eleni –
Another great interview. Keri, it’s great to hear about your success and about what you have planned next. I love all the new covers! And your website looks great.
I love reading paranormal and UF. I love the edge of danger that enhances all the emotions, the conflicts and the action.
Hey Eleni and Keri:
I love reading paranormal romance, urban fantasy, dark fantasy - pretty much anything that screams not-like-reality; I live there, I don't want to escape there, you know?
Anyways, I'm so anxious for the end of the Riley series. I want her to have her happily ever after - and I want her to have Quinn!
Although, I'm curious to know how much time lapses between Moon Sworn and the first Risa book...
Anna - thanks for popping in. Isn't Keri's new website just fantastic.
Calliope - Oh, I'm a huge Quinn fan too. We'll have to wait and see next year! There's still Book 8 to be released.
I love,love the Riley Jensen series,I'm sad its ending.But the Risi story sounds great.Looking forward to reading that.Ms Arthur you have become one of my favotite authors.
I read both paranormal romance and urban fantasy,I love the world's authors build and all the characters/species..vamps,werewolves,etc.
elaing8 - hi thanks for joining us. Since Risa will be taking over, I think we still have plenty of that world to explore.
Great interview Keri & Eleni. Loving the cover for Moon Sworn.
On the paranormal & urban fantasy front. I read both heavily, but would tend more to the urban fantasy (I like the not quite knowing if they will end up together aspect). Anything that plays in other worlds/variations of our own worlds is fun to get lost in. Well not literally, cause you know these writerly types seem to have a lot of bad people wanting to hurt things living in them *lol*.
Keri - that level of exercise makes me tired thinking about it. Then again, ask me to swim a 1km or 2km I'd think about it *lol*. I also like how you aren't afraid to wrap up a series or not return to one (in the case of Spook Squad) as it doesn't feel right. Congratulations on all your successes & nothing says it better than chocolate :-)
Nicky - I just about collapse when I hear about Keri's exercise routine. One day maybe....*cough*. And you are right re Keri's ability to be able to say bye to a series because it's time or it's not right to return. On ya Keri!
Every time I read one of your interviews, I learn something new about you. This was a great one.
And, as you can tell, I am an avid paranormal/urban fantasy fan. I read it. I write it. I couldn't imagine the world without it.
Great interview! I've read all of the Riley books and was very sad to learn that it will soon come to an end. I love paranormal romance/urban fantasy because of all the possibilities. The great thing about it is that you can have just a normal situation but can add a paranormal twist to it that makes that much more engaging.
Jess S.
spettolij AT gmail DOT com
Hey Angel,glad you enjoyed the interview with Keri. She's a great person to interview and so inspiring.
Hi Jess - I still have to read Deadly Desire..I think I'm stretching out the Riley books closer to when Moon Sworn comes out. That world will still continue with Risa - so that's something to look forward to.
Thank you everyone for commenting and making Keri welcome.
Keri thanks for joining us.
The winner of this prize is Louise D.
Louise please contact me at:
eleni-fest (AT) elenikonstantine (DOT) com
Thank you.
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