Today my special guest is the enthusiastic Anna Jacobs, author of over 47 novels. Anna writes historical sagas and modern family relationships stories.
Welcome Anna! Thanks for joining us and talking about your addiction to story-telling.
Take it away...
My name is Anna Jacobs and I’m a story-teller. I think it was born in me. I’ve been doing it since the age of two.
People often ask me if I work ‘set hours’, as if I have to make myself write. I smile as I answer, because it’s the other way round. I work every hour I can snatch from 6am till teatime, then I stop to spend time with my lovely husband. I’m undoubtedly addicted to story-telling. They don’t usually mention the possibility of addiction when you start writing, do they?
I always have my eyes and ears open for story ideas. That part of me never switches off. And if I’m prevented from writing for a while—a fearsome thing!—stories and characters force themselves to the forefront of my mind and nag me to continue writing about them. They even invade my dreams.
My husband says I sometimes go ‘glassy-eyed’ when watching the TV or when sitting with him, and he knows I’m not really there any more but into another story or scene. It’s a good thing he’s a very tolerant man.
When I became a full-time novelist, I thought that at last I’d have enough time to write. (I used to get up at 4am to do it before work.) Not so. There aren’t enough hours in the day to tell all the stories I ‘see’.

How do I get these ideas? Well, look around you. The world is full of things happening to people. You only have to think, ‘But what if this happened to my heroine, only she . . .’ A small change to the basic scenario and you can start a whole new tale.
For my historical novels, I get ideas from my research mainly, though if I visit a historical monument or see a history programme on TV, that might give me a nudge too. I love reading research books, not only those produced by university historians, but also amateur memoirs.
The latter are a treasure trove. Uncle Bob’s memories of being a policeman in 1925, or Auntie Janie’s stories of her childhood in Blackpool. They usually have floppy covers and badly printed interiors and contain spelling mistakes and typos. But they’re ‘real’ and they give insights into life in the past that university courses and historians can’t offer - because, like me, the historians weren’t there in those days.
I started this blog piece by talking about story-telling, and to me, that’s what I do. The writing comes second to the story (and second to the characters in it, too). I’m not trying to show off my extensive vocabulary or dazzle readers with fancy phrases. I leave that to poets. I’m trying to tell a story so gripping it’ll grab the readers’ attention, as it’s already grabbed mine.
I’d love you to try some of my stories. My latest paperback is ‘Freedom’s Land’ I wrote it after doing a writing project for a small West Australian town. I was so fascinated by the town’s history that I wrote a full-length novel set against the background of group settlement.
What’s group settlement? Starting in the 1920s, the West Australian Government gave away forest land to ex-servicemen, who had to clear it and set up dairy farms. They did this in groups. Families came from across the sea, many of them had never worked on farms. It was a recipe for disaster - but some of them made a glorious success of it. And luckily for me, quite a few of them wrote their memoirs. My characters may be imaginary, but they’re as true to the real group settlers (whom I greatly admire) as I could make them.
Now, it’s been nice chatting, but I must go. You see, I have this story to write. If I don’t get back to it, I won’t find out what happens to my heroine . . .
Thanks Anna for joining us on the fest and for an inspiring article.
To read the first chapter of Freedom's Land, please click this link (it will open a pdf document).
Please make a comment by the 27th October for your chance to win!
Comments for prize now closed. Congratulations Jenn J McLeod!
Good luck and thank you Anna for your generosity.
Don't forget to visit Anna's website for more information on her books.
Hi Anna and Eleni,
Gee 47 books Anna, that is truly amazing. 47, I'll say it again. You are an inspiration.
Freedoms land sounds like another great read.
Suzanne :)
Anna Jacobs was one of the first romance writers I read, and I loved it. And Anna is very gracious when answering copious questions she gets from newbie writers trying to pick her brain for handy hints.
Suz - yes 47!!! Isn't that amazing. Especially considering the length of these books also. Definitely an inspiration.
Nat - Anna is always answering newbie questions. It's wonderful having someone with such knowledge and know-how be so generous. And so honest.
Thanks, Anna, for your great post. I'm always amazed at your generosity to people like myself when we need help on the Romaus loop. I honestly can't thank you enough for the gems you've passed on. The tip about leaving books to rest for an extended period being one of them (what a difference that makes!), and another being when to use me vs I. There's more, and I have them all stored in a special folder, but most of the time you explain things so well, they just stick.
Today you've given me another gem with this: I’m not trying to show off my extensive vocabulary or dazzle readers with fancy phrases. I leave that to poets. I’m trying to tell a story so gripping it’ll grab the readers’ attention, as it’s already grabbed mine.
Sometimes I get so caught up in all the other stuff I forget the basics. Thanks for reminding me.
Another great post, Eleni. Eleni-fest has been wonderful.
Oops. Apologies for the long comment. Started writing and couldn't stop.
LOL can write a long comment if you like. Obviously Anna's advice have inspired you over time. And you are so right re Anna's point- sometimes we forget the basic things.
Glad you have been enjoying Eleni-fest! :)
Thanks Anna for a wonderful post. I really like how you call yourself a storyteller. That is how I describe myself. I still struggle with writer, as I say storyteller.
I imagine myself being like a travelling bard sitting by the fire and regaling stories to all who will listen (in this day & age that generally means my other half, teenage son & cat *lol*). For me it's not about the words per se but the characters and the stories they want to tell. I'm the dictation machine.
Thank you for sharing.
Congratulations on having 47 books published, Anna, and I agree with Cathryn, your advice is priceless ~ thank you! :-)
Nicky - yes storyteller is such a great term...i think that people think of people reading to children in libraries these days with that term, but any story that is told in whatever medium is done by a story teller.
Christina - we are so lucky to have Anna on Romaus and here today.
WOW! With each paragraph of that post I said OMG OMG OMG. It was like reading my thoughts. I relate to everything Anna well...except the 47 pubbed novels LOL) The glazing over, the endless story ideas, the shortaage of hours in the day. Writing is such a buzz But with a call for three chapters today from The Knight Agency, I'm hoping my first might be a tiny weeny maybe possible step closer to being a reality. I am also thrilled to be at Eleni-Fest - finally - after a month of no internet download access. Oh the pain. I must say, the covers are terrific on Freedom's Land.
Hey Jenn *waving* - I heard about your internet trouble. Not fun when that happens. Great that you could connect with Anna's post.
And did I see you got a request for your first three chapters?!!! Fantastic, congratulations!! Good luck with your submission.
I enjoyed reading your information, I would love to read your book.
seriousreader at live dot com
Hey Linda,
I know Freedom's Land sound fascinating and it's been calling me from my TBR piles. My poor neglected TBR piles. :)
I'm delighted with all the comments and so glad I've helped people with their writing. I meant to log in yesterday to see whether there were any comments but we had a financial blur with a zillion forms to fill in (under dh's guidance, he's my financial manager) and he kept coming in and out of my office. I didn't even get as much writing done as usual, because after each distraction I had to settle back into the story. Then we had a birthday to go to. It was to a friend, to whom I've dedicated my latest modern novel 'In Focus' and when she saw her name in the book, she got tears in her eyes. Made me feel good.
And before I forget it, congratulations on getting asked for the first three chapters, Jenn. Here's hoping . . . But if nothing else, it shows you're on track and not just imagining you can write.
Anna, you are just now showing us the 'other' side of writing. The financial side that needs to be taken care of too.
I love how you dedicated your latest modern novel to your friend and her reaction. I must admit being included in a dedication is special (thanks Trish Morey!)
Thanks for everyone for commenting.
Thank you Anna for being part of Eleni-fest!
A copy of Freedom's Land goes to Jenn J McLeod.
Jenn can you email me at:
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