Monday, 29 June 2009

Going to the conference!

Yes, I'm definitely going to the RWA conference in August. Woohoo! All thanks to a grant from Arts SA. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

It has really made my week, month, well year! I can't wait to meet everyone I know from cyber space in person (Bootcampers, HT and Web teams,  Romaus loop et al) and meet other writers I don't know yet, and have the opportunity to pitch to agents and a publisher. 

It really is very exciting. So I have my happy face on!

A big thank you to everyone who helped me with my application - writers are just the best!!!



Rachael Johns said...

Wohoo I'm doing a happy dance for you too... jealous that I won't be there this year though. Way to go getting an award!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks for the happy dance Rach! Sorry you can't make it to the conference. I'm usually the one left behind so totally understand. Though with Diane and Sandie organising the Claytons, it's sure to be a goodie as it has been the last couple of years I've done it.

Mel Teshco said...

Hey, I'll see you there!! I can't wait either!!

Erica Hayes said...

Woo hoo! See you there, Eleni!

Mon Wood said...

Yay, Eleni! We can party together and I'll wish you luck for the pitch in person. Yee haw!

Btw, sorry you can't be there, Rach. Looking forward to meeting you Mel and Erica!

Sussan Marz said...

Great news! I won't be there (sob, sob) but I'm sure you'll have fun with the rest of the mob.

CAM said...

Congratulations! How truly wonderful...oh that is one of those things that will have you cracking a big grin for just ever!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks so much Mel, Erica, Mon, Sussan, CAM.

Looking forward to meeting you all (Sussan hopefully next time).

Sami Lee said...

Great news. Hope to meet you there in person,


Eleni Konstantine said...

Sami - thanks and yes, I hope to put names to faces, and have a good ole chat and meet you in person too.

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