Thursday 6 December 2012

Poster Thursday

Going hand in hand with trailers are the movie posters....

I was looking at some movie posters (as you do) and found some for upcoming/recent movies. These are all very enticing. Some I've been waiting for 'The Hobbit', 'Man of Steel'. Others I have no idea what they are about.

One that looks cool is 'Hansel and Gretel'. Love a tale with an unexpected twist.

The Oz posters look marvellous, and fairy other-landish.

And what do you know, there's a Carrie remake.


Is there any film you are waiting to see? And if you knew nothing abou the films, would these entice you?



Jenny Schwartz said...

Posters are glorious. They're the standard I measure book covers by ... seriously, visual drama

Eleni Konstantine said...

Yes, being visual it drives me to movies and books. I think maybe movies more since it is a visual medium and if the poster is crappy, you have to wonder.

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