Wednesday 28 November 2012

Writing Wednesday: Rejection

I've finished my study for the year and it feels good to have done so. I've learned so much in design, but I do feel that my actual writing has suffered because of the time I need to study. Studying is something I went into with my eyes wide open, but it still has been a difficult year time-wise.

Another thing about being a writer is the difficulty in getting rejections. I try not to talk about that side on the blog too much - mainly because I want to be positive and upbeat here. But it IS a reality of this business. It makes you stop and think 'is this something not for this person, or is there something more I could do do this manuscript better?' I'm in a bit of this state at the moment. I've worked long and hard on the manuscript and maybe I need longer to let it sit and look at it with fresh eyes. I last worked on it in March. And with so much to do with study and conference, I don't think I've really let it go in my mind. Because it was the large big project I worked on.

Yes, I've had releases (and therefore edits) since then, but it is a long novel and one that I've worked on over the years. I need another 'big' project to concentrate on. Though, I do enjoy my shorter works which has kept me balanced and in the writing game this year.

So what did I do to help with the feeling of rejection?  I submitted a short story. One I really enjoyed writing. Yep, I put on my big girl pants on. And as I wait for that?

I'm going to work on the next Warder Tale - I've started the opening scene, and it is completely different to what I though it'll be. Surprise already.

I also have more editing/rewriting to do on other short stories I wrote long ago.

For the bigger project, I'm going to turn my attention back to my Dragon book. I've missed my dragon, she's a scream. Though I need to decide how much romance there will be in this book. Or if I'm trying to force the romance. A read from the beginning should help me find my way in that.

I've got a couple of months before school starts again, so I'm hoping to get some projects well on their way or near finished so I can then submit them.



Jenny Schwartz said...

Rejections are tough, not just the "no", but the question of what the no means.

Do I re-work the story? Do I believe in it and sub elsewhere? Do I abandon it?

I think rejections are an unexpected fork in the road, when you hoped instead for a straight path. Can be good things around the corner, though.

Eleni Konstantine said...

LOL - I never think of life as a straight road. My publication journey certainly hasn't been. No-one can say this path is boring :)

Thanks for your visit.

Eleni Konstantine said...

LOL - I never think of life as a straight road. My publication journey certainly hasn't been. No-one can say this path is boring :)

Thanks for your visit.

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