Sunday 8 July 2012

Super Sunday: and the winners are...

I had wanted to post this on Friday, but life got in the way. So thought it would be nice to announce the winners on a Super day....

I want to thank everyone for taking the time out to comment on my release day blog post. I appreciate it.

Now the two winners (thanks to are:

Kylie Scott




Please email me at eleni AT elenikonstantine DOT com with your choice of pdf, ePub, Mobi, or Kindle formats.

Keep an eye out for some more chances to win. I'm currently over at the Dark Side DownUnder blog.

Now, I can't leave Super Sunday without something you can giggle over, especially you writers...



Clarissa Johal said...

Okay, had to leave a comment about your blog. (: I really like the way you have each day as something special. I have such a hard time keeping up with mine and then my posts end up being too long! Kudos, Eleni.

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks very much, Clarissa for taking the time to do that. Much appreciated, and I'm so glad you enjoy the blog.

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