Monday 5 December 2011

Writing update...

I've been catching up on a range of things and yes, now with everything set out in lists (yes, I AM a list person), I can see in regards to my other project work what I have to do.

Which brings me to starting a list for my writing and editing. It's short because if I was to list everything I wanted to do for my writing, I would put myself off, and it will just stay on the list, and nothing will get done.

At the moment I have five writing projects on this list.

  1. editing of HD. Yes, the BIG checking on focus of the story. But it's right now I'm looking at chapter two and the prologue.  I don't want to think about the rest.
  2. A short story I wrote in 2000 and haven't really looked at since. It's for an anthology.
  3. GTH novella - submitting.
  4. Making notes for Warder 2
  5. Read over Shadow Tale.

There are also a couple of things like - get ITIN, and do a recording for a podcast due in a couple of weeks. So, as you can see, this list will keep me busy for a bit.

The list probably looks familiar. It was in my November monthly goals. As you can see that didn't work out. And I've come to realise that I don't have deadlines other than the short story which is due in April. So while I don't have deadlines, I'll work at my pace. Oh, I'm good with deadlines, but not self imposed ones. If I was to have deadlines because it was expected from a publisher, yep, I'd work with them to get the job done. I don't know why my brain works that way, but it does. :))

I hope next time I have an update that I would have progressed with each project.

Time will tell. Wish me luck!


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