Barbara's stories are heart warming, with a rich texture of outback life. It's no surprising, this author who packs so much emotional punch into her work is one of the loveliest ladies on the planet. Warm and generous, she was the first author to contact me when I was looking for Greek translations for my mum, something she has continued to do over the years. And yep, you guessed, my mum loves Barbara's books as well.
Barbara's latest book is Rancher's Twins: Mum Needed (or as they spell it in the States, Mom Needed). Here's the blurb:
Will Holly uncover the brooding cattleman's secret?
Nanny Holly O'Mara has formed a close bond with her late cousin's little twins. When their estranged father, rough, rugged Australian cattleman Gray Kidman arrives to take them home to the outback, Holly senses that he is out of his depth.
Holly soon falls for mysterious Gray. Seeing him light up his children's world makes her spirits leap and even begins to heal her own emotional bruises. Yet something is making Gray push her away...
With her help, will he find the courage to love again?

To read an excerpt, go here.
You can find out more about Barbara at her website, and visit her on her blog.
This is just a snippet of Barbara's covers.
Wow. Thank you for that lovely wrap up, Eleni. It's wonderful to be featured on your blog, and I hope your readers will also keep an eye out for my duet, coming out later in the year. This series is called Changing Grooms -- and the titles are Bridesmaid Says: 'I do!' and Runaway Bride, so you might guess there's plenty of emotion and romance in these two.
Also... I love knowing that my Greek editions are going to an appreciative reader, so big thanks to your mum.
Hi Barbara, thanks for stopping by. How did I miss your upcoming books? I love the titles! I'm sure I'll enjoy them as all your books.
Hi Barbara and Eleni!
Barbara you've got some *beautiful* covers there! I haven't read a sweet book for a while - time to delve back in!!
Thanks for the post Eleni. I LOVE Barbara's books!
Hi Mel - glad to remind you of a sweet read :)
Hi Sami!
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