Wednesday 5 January 2011

2010 overview

OK, so Kylie Griffin asked me in the comments to the New Year's post with my 2011 goals of how I went with the 2010 goals. I thought it would be a good blog post.

Last year at this time, we were dealing with the after-effects of my dad's heart bypass surgery. Well appointments and family stuff continued during the year with December being the MONTH of the Waiting Room.

So here we go - 2010 review.

My goal overall is balance - creating a balance with all the areas of my life. This is an ongoing battle as long-time readers of this blog know. It is harder when I feel differently every day with my energy levels. So that has to be taken into consideration.

Well yes, that still is my overall goal and I'm trying. Really I am. I've actually signed up to do a course on those who have chronic conditions (like CFS) on how to better balance oneself. It's good to re-evaluate and do something like this once in awhile because quite frankly, it's so easy to say 'stuff it'.


seek agent representation - I have queries out there now and I'm on hiatus from querying more.

finish final final overview of HD - DONE and sent to agents/publishers and entered into competitions.

finish first draft of DT & start polishing - first draft done. Polishing not yet. So 1 out of 2.

Finish & submit Gateway to Hell (novellete) - finished first draft, no working on second draft.

Attend Adelaide Roadshow - YES and was the registrar.

Hopefully attend the RWAus National Conference in August - YES, and pitched and was a moderator for a workshop. 

For my 2010 goals check out Eleni's Library. But really it's trying to tackle the TBR pile & get it under control. Not like that's possible because there is so much wonderfully talented authors who continue to release wonderful books, so it's ever growing.
While I didn't quite reach the targets for all the challenges, I've started making headway. Though I don't know if 'under control' was realistically achievable. But I've signed up for more for this year.

balance as needed.
Yep that is a hard one. And not always easy to achieve. But I take each day as it comes.

finish course by mid-April.

Done and finished it in March, so huzzah a little earlier than expected. It has taught me one thing - I do not want to be a Bookkeeper. Oh data entry is fine but all the rules and regs. Nope, I'd rather keep my brain cells for writing, thank you very much.

RWAus roles

continue to do my bits & pieces for RWAus. Need to set up reminders for my monthly tasks.
Yep, continued to do this. Though monthly reminders. Hmmm...sort of.
And was very honoured and surprised to have been nominated for the Lynne Wilding Award for service to RWAus.

maintain my blogs, the Bootcamper 101 blog & website, the SARA website & news page.
Yep, I did do this. Maybe not as often as I would have liked. But yep, done.

I've actually been working on doing a cover design for a contest. So I am letting my creativeness out in other avenues. So enter this by its due date. 
And I entered and actually won the Little Gems contest. It really was helpful to do this for my creativity. I love the visual world but also it gave me something to work on when my brain cells couldn't function on writing due to dad's recovery. 

So that's it. That was 2010. Not too bad I think. I'm hoping 2011 will be even better.



Kylie Griffin said...

Eleni, it's a great exercise to go back over your goals for the previous year and see what you achieved rather than what you didn't.

Just from reading this list I can see you've achieved a heck of a lot!!! Congrats!

*You forgot to add that you also helped design and establish Dark Side DownUnder! That was a huge time suck! And it's off and running smoothly.

Great also to see that you've highlighted your successes and acknowledgments - LG cover, contests entered, RWA LW Award nomination - they're as important as everything else, not bragging at all.

Thanks for posting this. Here's to your hard work inspiring someone else. :-)

Helene Young said...

Sounds like a well rounded year, Eleni!

You achieved the vast majority of your list and, as Kylie said, those successes should be acknowledged. If we don't give ourselves a pat on the back it's all too easy to lose sight of the road we've travelled and just how far we've come in a year.

Enjoy 2011 and may success in all its forms come your way :-)

AJ Blythe said...

Are you sure you have CFS, Eleni?!? Wow, congrats on your long list of goal achievements for 2010. Bet you'll do wonders in 2011 :)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Kylie - yes, reviewing is great because you can see what worked and what didn't. and thanks for the congrats. And yes I did forget to mention the DSDU - I just didn't know I would be doing that at the beginning of they year.

Helene - oh well-rounded, I like that. Yes it was that as I did tick off different things on the list. I would pat myself on the back but don't want to strain anything *wink*. And thanks for the well wishes.

Anita - ha, yes, I suppose it does seem like a long list but I do everything in bite sized pieces and in my own time frame. That is, not 9-5. There's breaks and naps abound, but I try be more realistic with my time. I think we all overestimate time to some extent. I'm getting a little better. One day, I'll be completely realistic. One day :))

Mel Teshco said...

you are amazing, and your hard work despite CFS is shining through! Here's to 2011 been the best year yet =))

Eleni Konstantine said...

Awww shucks, thanks Mel :)

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