Tuesday 24 August 2010

And next week I'll be going again....

Yep, you read right. I thought I had mentioned this on the blog but apparently not -
I will be going to WorldCon or AussieCon 4 as it is called (as it's the 4th time held in Australia)!!!

I am really excited by this as I've never been to a Con before and this is one of the big ones. The program has just gone online and I intend to have a thorough look at it - 5 days of non-stop speculative fiction stuff!! How cool is that?

While there I hope to catch up with some of the Romance Writers of Australia Paranormal group members - Tracey O'Hara, Rowena Cory Daniells, Nicky Strickland, and Erica Hayes, and of course I'm looking forward to meeting many others. I've been out of step with the mainstream speculative fiction market so what a wonderful opportunity to delve back into it again. I'll be a sponge soaking up all the vibe from a corner. That might surprise some folks, but truly I can be quite shy. 

While in Melbourne, I'll also be going to see Mary Poppins and the Tim Burton exhibition. I've got a very full on few days, and so I think sleep will be my priority when I return.

What a month!!



Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Have a blast, and enjoy.
You can let us know all about it when you get back.

Cathryn Hein said...

Wow, lucky you. I bet that'll be HUGE. So much inspiration there, not to mention fun!

Have a great time, Eleni. And I'm with Suz. Hope you let us all know how it was....with piccies!

AJ Blythe said...

WooHoo Eleni, what a few weeks this has been for you!! Enjoy your first 'con' - can't wait to read about it afterwards .

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks you Suz, Cathryn and Anita!! I'll try and get some piccies and report back after. :)

CAM said...

I definitely watch too much TV....I immediately thought of the Simpsons and you donning a pair of spock ears lol I will be very interested to read about your experience so that I can shatter this pre-conceived idea of paranormal/scifi type conferences!

Eleni Konstantine said...

LOL CAM. Yep that's an image that springs to mind as well. Will let you know the real scoop when I get back. :)

Christina Phillips said...

Have a fab time, Eleni!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks Christina - I hope so!! :)

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