Monday 8 March 2010

Doing my head in....

Yes, one word: study. Well studying Financial Services. Somehow I don't think I'm cut out to be a bookkeeper. Still with only 4 assignments to go, I will finish this Certificate and if needed, will use. But really what could be better than being a writer?

Now since, I am in StudyLand - here are some more pictures from the Northern Lights (part of the Adelaide Festival of Arts).

The Mitchell Building (University of Adelaide). Where I used to study Classics.

Another design for the Mitchell Building 

Three buildings in one shot: The Art Gallery of South Australia, The Mortlock Library, 
and the Institute buildings. 

The picture says it all. Love the grunge look.

What colours!

More to come in another post.....



Rachael Johns said...

What could be better than being a writer indeed? Relief taught year one's today and although they were lovely and adorable... I really hope I never have to go back full time because I'd much rather be writing :)

AJ Blythe said...

Absolutely Rach and Eleni, writing is definitely number 1. But stick at it eleni, so close to the end, and you'll feel great once you've achieved it - even if you never use it because the big contract comes along ;)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks Rach & Anita. Glad to know others agree with me. :))

Anita - yes, so close to the end now. But it's just been a very slow going course, mainly because it really isn't my area of interest. Still handy to have.

Shayne said...

Hi Eleni
What amazing pics. And how do they get such contrasting colours. I'd love to come down to Adelaide for the festival. On my list!

And yes, writing is all I want to do but I have to work as my partner doesn't particularly love his job and one wage won't support the family.


Eleni Konstantine said...

They are fantastic to see in person Shayne. Though the next Festival is in two years time. :( They have these huge projectors that shine the image onto the buildings, absolutely amazing.

Yes, it's a shame there's no payment for writing until you get published, that way you could write and still help support the family.

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