Sunday, 3 January 2010

Reading in 2009

I've been trying to create a widget from Library Thing to cover all my books read in 2009 but no widget has the amount I want for covers only.

So you can go to my Library Thing collection 'Read in 2009' to view full amount.

Below is an animated widget....

So what was my favourite? Ooooh that's a hard one indeed. I've really enjoyed my reading the last year. 

Keri Arthur continues to be my 'writer of the moment' and I re-read some of the early books in the earlier series so I can refamiliarise myself with those worlds.

With single title books, I was blown away with Tracey O'Hara's debut book Night's Cold Kiss, Anne Gracie's The Stolen Princess, Anna Campbell's Claiming the Courtesan and Denise Rossetti's The Flame and the Shadow. All of whom are RWAus members. I also enjoyed reading The Unfortunate Miss Fortunates - a collaboration by three great authors - Jennifer Crusie, Anne Stuart and Eileen Dryer.

For YA, Zombie Queen of Newbury High by Amanda Ashby was a fun read.

This year, I continued to read more graphic novels actually finishing the year with Watchmen by Alan Moore. Graphic novels can convey so much via the words and the illustrations, and colour choices. It really is a nice change of pace.

I listened to a couple of audio CDs - most notably The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman read by the author himself. What a great story.

I have so many category books on my TBR pile and managed to tackle just a few this year.  I especially enjoyed stories by Trish Morey, Marion Lennox, Barbara Hannay, Melissa James, Annie West, Anne Oliver and Elizabeth Rolls. All wonderful for different reasons. I love reading across lines.

I've also delved into reading shorter bite sized stories - novelettes and novellas - three authors I enjoyed were Anna Hackett, Mel Teshco, and Christina Phillips

I didn't read too much non-fiction this year - I am going to rectify that by reading more on the craft of writing. My research has been bits and pieces of books, not the whole lot.

I'm hoping to beat my 70 book in 2010. (well 83 really but I'm going by 'book' by Harlequin Book Challenge definition). 



Rachael Johns said...

Man - you have such eclectic tastes! Was so sad - I usually keep a list of all the books I've read but when my computer died mid year I lost it!

Anna Campbell said...

Eleni, how interesting to read about your wide variety of books finished. And thank you so much for including Claiming the Courtesan amongst such stellar company! Happy New Year!

Mel Teshco said...

Eleni I think we might have shared the same bookcase last year LOL!!! (minus a few of course.)
Thanks for reading SCL, I'm hoping to read your novel very soon =)

Cathryn Hein said...

Ooh! I love checking out what other people read. Thanks for the link, Eleni. A very interesting collection.

What was Glenn Cooper's Library of the Dead like? I've been interested in that one for a while.

Good luck with beating your 70 book target.

Shayne said...

Hi Eleni,
You've given me some great leads. I enjoy Jennifer Crusie so will definitely be following up on the collaborative book.


Eleni Konstantine said...

Hey Rach! - I do tend to like a variety of books. And sad face for your computer dying. I'm now keeping my reading list on Library Thing. Great for doing widgets too. Though I heard Good Reads is very good too.

Eleni Konstantine said...

Ms Campbell you are more than welcome for Claiming the Courtesan but I have to say that it's all about your writing. And Happy New Year to you too :)

Eleni Konstantine said...

LOL Mel re the reading. Well great minds ;) And of course SCL was a great read. Looking forward to your Bites coming out in March!

Eleni Konstantine said...

I'm glad you enjoyed checking out what I read Cathryn. It looks nice when you see all these covers and think - oh wow I read all that.

Library of the Dead was an interesting read - more plot oriented (expected with a mystery) though characterisation crept through. Was fascinated with the investigation and the reading some historical viewpoints.

It was actually called the Seventh Son (I believe) in the US.

Eleni Konstantine said...

Shayne, glad I could give you some leads. I suppose I like showing information to people being an ex-librarian and all ;))

Tell me what you think of The Unfortunate Miss Fortunates when you read it. :)

Tracey O'Hara said...

That is an impressive list and I am so honored that you have added me in with such great company. *kiss*

my list is sadly very low this year - I have only read about 3 books and have started a good half dozen.

Eleni Konstantine said...

Hey Tracey - you are all stars! and you wrote a fantastic book. :))

You had a really busy 2009, so I can imagine there was hardly time to read. I don't the full on day job you do.

But technically THIS year is 2010 - so you're going great guns *wink*

Sussan Marz said...

Great list of books. I read more non-fiction than fiction in 2009, so I'm not posting my list. I might have to start a widget thingy for 2010.

Christina Phillips said...

What a fabulous list, Eleni - and thank you for adding my two novelettes! I joined Good Reads at the end of last year to try and keep track of what I'm reading. It's fun!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks Sussan. I need to read more non-fiction. And the widgets can be great fun to create. Though I think to be honest Library Thing have made some aspects easier and some harder. JMO.

Christina - well you had great novelettes, so had to add to the list :)) I've heard good things about Good Reads, so I may look into that but I've had Library Thing for a little while now, so am used to it. I know alot of authors tend to use Good Reads though. Have fun keeping track of your reading. It is nice going to a collection page and seeing the titles and covers of books you've read rather than a boring old excel spreadsheet :))

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