Sunday 20 September 2009

Time, time, time

I've been finding lately that time has been slipping through my fingers. I'm getting alot of writing related things done but then am falling behind in other parts of my life. Yes, the good old balance.

Lately I have been more tired and headachy, so am trying to come up with the best way to balance for me. I know I read a lot of blogs and love to comment on everyone's blog that I know, but realistically I can't do that all the time. At least I don't visit every site, I do use Google Reader to streamline. I'm also using TweetDeck for my Twitter and have to reevaluate people who I find interesting to follow but not as relevant to me and my writing.

Anyone say information overload?

Yep, there is that. I love information don't get me wrong. Heck, I wouldn't have worked in libraries for many years if I didn't. Because libraries are about information. But there is just so much out there.

I do like reading about how the publishing industry is going and it helps with the collation of my column in Hearts Talk massively. So I need to balance time on blogs with the information gained from there to give RWAus members the best info out there.

But writing isn't the only aspect in my life - there's family, friends, study, and other assorted things that I am aware that I don't spend as much time on being so exhausted. And CFS doesn't help - that needs to be looked after too - that way things don't overwhelm me.

So if you see that I don't come around the blogs as much as I have been, sorry. But I'll try to visit in my alloted times :))

Be well everyone. Happy reading and writing!!



Mel Teshco said...

Oh I so know what you mean about time Eleni! It's very tricky to get the right balance isn't it! Time is the reason I quit my writer's group and focused on just a couple of CP's, it was much more manageable.
Hope you're able to streamline more effectively =)

CAM said...

I know this feeling so well - and I won't be offended if you don't drop by my blog that often as it isn't really writing related - We both know we keep up with each other and make sure we're okay - make sure you put some time in your day just for fun too! TC

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks Mel and CAM. I love dropping by your blogs but I just don't always comment. Well one step at a time. Had thunderstorms here today, so spent the day doing paperwork rather than be online. So good head start :))

Mon Wood said...

Ditto what they said, Eleni! I know how you feel.

Hope the headaches get better. Take care of your health.

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks Mon. Been a frantic week so far still. But am setting my tasks and hopefully that will help :)

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