Thursday 19 February 2009

I've been slimed....No, that's Lemonaded....

Lemonaded?  Well it's the "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade" Award. I was nominated by Christina Phillips and Monique Wood (Thanks Ladies)

Life sure likes to throw lemons at me and mine, so I like to see this is a positive award, because despite the bumps, we still continue on our journey. 

It works this way:
1) Link back to the person you received the award from (check), and
2) Nominate 10 bloggers who are deserving of this award (check)

So I shall Lemonade the following (trying not to double up here with others being awarded). Thanks for your inspiring blogs:

* Authorness - Vanessa
* Kiki Lon
* Neomi Quinn ;)
* AJ Macpherson
* The Houseboat of Decadence - CAM
* Tannia Franklin
* Tracey O'hara
* Barbara Hannay
* Trish Morey
* Keri Arthur

May everyone make Lemonade out of any lemons they are given in life - or maybe a lemon cheesecake... hmmm.... cheesecake ;)



Christina Phillips said...

Thanks for playing - and that's a good idea, I'll have cheesecake!!!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Yep, I'm not a huge fan of lemonade.... cheesecake is more drool-worthy. Not like I'm distracted by food of course ;)

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Glad you changed that slimed. lol.. I was beginning to worry. :)

Eleni Konstantine said...

For some reason, I kept on hearing, 'I've been slimed' from the Ghostbusters. LOL! Yep, could you imagine a Slimed Award ;))

CAM said...

Thank you :D And I'll make lemon curd (or butter as it is sometimes called) as my chookies have given me lots of eggs to do

Eleni Konstantine said...

Oh yum CAM. Again not like I'm obsessed by food or anything :)

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