Monday 6 October 2008

Everest TBR pile revisited

Yes, my TBR pile is still Everest sized BUT I've made one important change. I no longer borrow books from the library unless I have the time to read them (or they are part of a series). No languishing in the TBR pile until it's time to return them. I even returned a couple that I hadn't read because they were due back and took the pressure off myself to read them quickly. 

And I feel better for it. There's just too many great books out there but I have to be a realist with my time. 

So what's on the TBR pile. Honestly too many to list here. My bookshelves have more books I HAVEN'T read than have. Book-aholic? Who me?

ATM my mood for reading has been haphazard - I'm reading bits of one book and then bits of another. Floating. It's been awhile since I have done that. I used to read a different book on the bus to work and during my breaks,  and have another at  one at home. Of course there is also having non fiction books to read both for interest and for research. So can you see what I mean about Everest.

What I'm reading now:

Happy Reading!


Christina Phillips said...

I know what you mean Eleni. As if my tbr pile wasn't huge enough I also brought a wonderful bunch of books home from the NZ conference. Can't even seen the floor around my desk now, never mind the desk top itself!!

Rachael Johns said...

You made me laugh with the library comment! I work in a library and am always ordering books, which I can't finish before they're due back at their 'home' library! I've vowed to stop that also.

My Everest is currently spread out on the floor alongside my bed... time for a clean up me thinks!

Happy reading!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Yes Christina, conferences can be very very hard to resist buying books. Been there and done that *g*

Rachael - LOL! I so understand ordering books over the catalogue. I think when I go into the library it's like buying books - I just go for it! (I love buying books but have had to curtail to be able to afford to the computer and eat! *g*) But I have so many on my shelves, that it will be like exploring.

CAM said...

I could also so relate to this post....I had this difficulty once too but my sister bought me this little notebook which looks very unassuming...inside I scribble down the author/title of books that friends recommend, that are on the 'great reads' list at the Books Alive website...recommended by my ever vigilant librarian lol There are some 400 odd books scribbled in there and now I read them from the library first before buying them to stop myself going bonkers in the bookshop and spending my little one's uni fund on books lol :D
Who says books are dying pah!

Amanda said...

Hmmm - I have just stored my Everest in a box as I am having the carpet cleaned... no more piles beside the bed!!

LOVE the cover of the Stephenie Meyer book... I work with iridology in my spare time (can you hear the hysterical cackle as there is so much of that, the spare time - NOT!) and the model has a very interesting iris!!

Anyway - well done... I don't even venture into the library it is a massive procrastination tool and time zapper for me... also doesn't fill my achivement cup up to running over when I have to return them without opening the cover!!



Eleni Konstantine said...

Wow CAM, that is one serious long list of books.... it would look so unassuming unless you had all those books physically there next to you! * g * And I like the try before you buy thing.... I'm getting better at not buying everything in sight....

Amanda - LOL about returning books without having read them, I so understand that....
And the Stephenie Meyer cover, the eye actually has a silver ring in it the just doesn't come up as strongly in the image i found. And yes I can definitely hear the hysterical laughter about the spare time comment. LOL!

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