Sunday 23 August 2009

Angel pic

Have had to get to some housework in the last couple of days. Visitors today, so nice. But brain can't now get into submissions mode. Will have to start afresh tomorrow. Was hoping some artwork would inspire me, but it isn't working right now. Oh well. Maybe I can get an early night's sleep. Ha ha ha ha ha.



CAM said...

I find music helps get me back my could try that :)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Thanks CAM. Yeah music wasn't helping either. I just needed to wind down and get some sleep.

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Hi Eleni,
Reading always makes me sleepy but I tend to keep reading lately as the novels have been so good. It's like two am and I know I must sleep but I can't get my head out of a book. lol..

Hope you get a good sleep tonight. :)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Hi Suz, I used to be able to keep pushing myself when reading a great book. Now if my eyes start closing that's it, my brain doesn't absorb anything. Have to work with the CFS for the long run.

I actually had a nice long sleep last night, though tonight I'm ready to do some work. I hope... :)

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